The Evergreen Pick-Up Line That Always Works Like a Charm (2 of 2)

Tread carefully and try not to present yourself as creepy or overly sexual

Go On Your Phone, Comfort, Sleeve, Gesture

Ribarsky notes that using direct pick-up lines can turn out to be tricky in situations where the person thinks you are being aggressive or trying to be too forward.

To avoid this, you need to figure out a middle path where you just convey your romantic interest without coming off as too aggressive, she suggests. She further adds that a lot of people will simply be put off by aggressively sexual messages, especially if it happens to be your first interaction with that person. So, if you are approaching someone for the first time, it is best to stick to a line that is appropriate and flattering at the same time.



Innocuous lines usually don’t work

Divorced Couples, Clothing, Joint, Hairstyle, Arm, Leg, Comfort, Human body, Neck, Dress shirt, Sleeve

The 2020 study also revealed that innocuous lines – the ones where you subtly try to start some sort of conversation – do not work effectively. Examples include lines such as “I’m sure I have seen you somewhere. Do you visit XYZ?” or “What’s your favorite food?”.

People take help of innocuous lines because, well honestly, they are the easiest to use as they don’t seem forced. However, because they are indirect, the person can often think that you are just trying to be friendly, and your interest is completely lost on them.



Flippant lines do not work, either

Couple Arguments, Arm, Comfort, Table, Gesture

Flippant lines are the super-cheesy (and cringeworthy) pick-up lines you often hear in rom-coms. Some examples include: “Somebody call the cops, because it is definitely illegal to look that good!”, or “Even if there wasn’t any gravity, I would still fall for you every time!”. If you have that cringed look on your face right now, you are most likely not alone. Flippant lines are the least likable of the lot and present you as someone who is promiscuous and selfish, according to the 2020 study.

Ribarsky points out that without knowing the art of comedy or the skill to read the person’s mind, flippant lines are best left alone. The only case where a flippant line may work in your favor is if you know how to deliver them in a manner that the other person clearly knows you are joking around. However, not every human is good at humor, and so, unless you are someone who is good at comedy, do not try flippant lines. Just stick to direct pick-up lines and you will have the best chance of finding yourself a date (or two)!