10 Ways To Look After Your Mental Health During COVID-19 (2 of 3)

Focus On Breathing

Aceptacion Duelo, Nose, Lip, Chin, Eyebrow, Eyelash, Flash photography, Neck, Gesture, Happy

Deep breathing has a relaxing aspect that helps us deal with the feeling of being overwhelmed.

Even with COVID restricting things, and life feeling like it’s at a standstill, we can still feel that sense of overwhelmingness.

A good breathing exercise to get into is inhaling for 5 seconds and then exhaling for 5 seconds. This 10 second breathing cycle is known to get our body to relax. It can also work wonders when trying to fall asleep too.



Remove All That Pressure

South Africa Woman, Nose, Smile, Lip, Chin, Eyebrow, Jheri curl, White, Black, Happy

With this pandemic being so mentally demanding, people are stressed out and burnt out all the time. As much as we don’t like those feelings, remind yourself all these emotions are okay. Take some time now to even remove some of the pressure that you’ve been feeling as well as a result of that. Who cares if you’re not able to post on Facebook about your lifestyle because you’ve done nothing for over a year? That’s been the case for a lot of people.



Don’t Beat Yourself Over Your Goals

Someone With Their Face In Their Hands, Hair, Lip, Eyelash, Flash photography, Wood, Gesture

Along the same lines, you’ve probably psyched yourself for this year to do more. After this pandemic has drained several months of progress, you might feel as if it’s up to you to make the rest of this year your year. That means setting and accomplishing several of your goals.

As ambitious as setting more goals to work on may seem, remind yourself to not use them to create more stress over yourself. Be smart with your goals and work on them at your own pace.



Be Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable

Cuidados En Temporada De Frio, Lip, Outerwear, Beard, Human, Organ, Fashion, Cap, Building, Gesture

This pandemic has really drilled home the sense of loneliness. Even if you’re living with family or friends, sometimes seeing the same person every single day can be tiresome. You ache to get out and see other people, and thus, that feeling of loneliness can grip you hard.

Everything that you’re experiencing is totally normal. Even the feelings of disappointment or anger. The idea is to not deny those emotions, but to explore them and being okay with these feelings.