20 Simple Things You Can Do To Stop Overthinking And Make Your Relationship Flourish (4 of 4)

Push Past Your Assumptions

Fille Triste Qui Pense, Hair, Lip, Flash photography, Eyelash

One of the easiest things to do is to overthink about your partner cheating on you. But, would that prevent it from actually happening. As a matter of fact, the only outcome of your anxiety and distrust would be you two drifting apart.

Smerling opines that when one is too anxious about the future, we are not living in the present.

This acts as a major hindrance to your relationship’s progress. You have to reprogram your brain and have trust in your partner. Don’t assume them to have lost interest in you if you start getting late replies. Understand that they have many commitments other than the one they have made to you.



Live The Present

More Than A Heartthrob: Hooper Island, Smile, Sky, People in nature, Flash photography, Happy, Gesture

Stop occupying yourself with thoughts of the future of your relationship. It’s impossible to ascertain how ahead you would be in a couple of years. Be happy about being with someone that truly loves you and in whom you see a future life partner. Make the most of this time. Go on dates, share your funny childhood stories, travel the world, and taste the best cuisines.

Alisha Powell, who is a couples therapist says that worrying about the fate of your relationship won’t change what has to happen. One must fully enjoy every day and collectively deal with problems as and when we are faced with one.



Stop Overanalyzing Your Partner’s Body Language

Remain Friends, Face, Outerwear, Smile, Water, Snow, Flash photography, Happy, Gesture

It is true that if their feet are pointing away from you, they don’t want to be there and wish to leave. But that doesn’t necessarily indicate that they are losing interest in you. They may just be in a hurry. The same goes with other body languages that you analyze so often and reach wrong conclusions. Megan Stubs, an expert in relationships tells us that such a problem arises when the partners are not communicating effectively. Work on it and you’ll be able to avert such misunderstandings in the future.



Give Up Rereading Their Texts

Woman On Her Phone, Table, Tableware, Furniture, Drinkware, Coffee cup, Dishware, Cup, Eyewear

Can’t keep yourself from opening up the chat and rereading their older texts? You need to find something more fun to do in your free time. Alternately, you could also use the time productively for your personal betterment. No good can come out of analyzing their messages over and over again. In most probability, there is nothing to decode or to read between the lines.



Drop Your Text And Forget About It

Relaxing Person, Comfort, Book, Publication

This is one thing that many of us are guilty of doing. It happens more so in the initial phase of relationships. You are on cloud nine and can’t wait to know it all about them. On the other hand, such behavior is also common when the relationship is going through a rough patch. In either case, we must realize when it has started to affect our peace of mind and stop doing it immediately.

Similarly, thinking too much before punching the sent button or editing your text several times too indicates overthinking. Unless you are clear as to whether you want to tell them something or not, give up the idea and get back to what you were doing. A single text isn’t going to make or break your relationship. Melissa Devaris Thompson, a therapist in marriage and family, says that it’s okay for people to be excited or anxious when they start dating. However, it should be replaced with calmness once you are past that phase.