20 Simple Things You Can Do To Stop Overthinking And Make Your Relationship Flourish (2 of 4)

Switch Your Goal

Full Time Study, Book, Human, Publication, Table

This will require some thinking on your part but will do a great job at easing all the tension you feel burdened with at the moment. Without a clear set-out goal, it’s possible that we start putting all our energy into something that doesn’t need it.

When you are constantly preoccupied with your relationship, other aspects of your life are bound to remain neglected. Yasmine Saad, a clinical psychologist says that the best thing one can do for our relationship is to be ourselves. That overthinking or worrying won’t change the course of things anyway.



Communicate With Your Partner

Man Talking Woman, Comfort, Flash photography, Gesture

Communication is the key to a happy relationship. Anything that’s been bothering you is best communicated to your partner and a solution worked out. If you notice some change in their behavior, sit them down and let them know of your feelings. Ignoring the same to avoid a possible conflict will only result in a bigger one sooner or later. Christine Altidor, a therapist, advises that assumptions can prove to be disastrous for the relationship. Open-hearted conversations between the partners are a necessity for their bond to stay strong.



Remember That It’s Going To Be Ok

Love, Lip, Shoulder, Eyelash, Neck, Ear, Flash photography, Happy, Gesture

You need to stop behaving as if this particular relationship is all that your future depends on. It sure is important to give your partner the concern and time that’s needed but that shouldn’t be at the cost of your personal goals. To take the advice of Saad, your overthinking won’t change an outcome. Therefore, all you must do is leave at it and shift your focus to something that’s up to you. Ingrain this notion in your brain that no matter how things unfold, you are going to be fine.



Base Your Beliefs On Evidence

Angry Couple, Gesture

Why do you believe that your partner is losing interest in you? They may have been acting distracted lately but there can be many reasons accounting for it.

It could be due to increased work pressure, some issue with a closed one, or something else that they aren’t sure they want to share with you. Dwelling too much over it or complaining about it to your partner will only push them away. Psychologist Kathy Nickerson recommends that we mustn’t reach conclusions unless we can back them with cogent evidence.



Stop Taking Things Personally

Girl, Hairstyle, Facial expression, Comfort

This may be a little hard to put into practice but it’s more essential than anything else. Every reaction coming from your partner doesn’t necessarily have to do something with you. You freaking out over their bad mood on a random day is totally uncalled for. Stop causing yourself the unnecessary trouble and learn to let a few things slide away at times.