9 Obvious Signs That Show Your Partner Has Lost Respect For You (3 of 3)

They always talk over you

Calming Down An Angry Person, Gesture

If your partner is someone who constantly interrupts you, talks over you, or finishes your sentences, then it is a bad sign for your relationship. When a person cuts off another one midstream, they are basically conveying that your thoughts do not matter to them and what they have to say instead is important. Manly says that this kind of interrupting behavior is a sign of disrespect.

It is obviously rude, but it also shows how your partner thinks of you on a deep level, where they feel they are “better” than you – which is undoubtedly an issue. A general rule of respect is that you treat your partner as an equal in every situation. And that includes being gentle, polite, communicating in a clear way, and sharing preferences and wishes as an equal, adds Manly.



They obstruct your privacy or leave no room for any independence

Couple In Healthy Home, Photograph, Plant, Window, Yellow

In a healthy, balanced, and equal relationship, both the partners act as individuals who go about their day, as usual, take their own decisions, and pursue their dreams. However, if your partner is someone who doesn’t give you respect, you will slowly start feeling as though all those things are not an option.

A partner can disrespect you in a number of ways, one of which is not allowing you to have any “me” time and making you explain everything you did throughout the day when they weren’t around. Perry says that such partners don’t stop at that and even go through their partner’s personal belongings, such as journals or mail.

If you notice that your partner is someone like that who doesn’t believe in respecting your independence and privacy – you should be ready to analyze your relationship objectively.

While it is completely possible that your partner might be ready to mend their ways, it is a sign that you should move on.



They have weird personal habits

Married Unhappy Couple, Face, Hair, Joint, Head, Eye, Muscle, Comfort, Human, Flash photography, Jheri curl

It is completely okay to be irked by your partner’s habits occasionally in a long-term relationship. For instance, they always leave clothes on the couch. However, what is not at all normal is if those quirks or habits are done on purpose, or your partner shuts you down instead of addressing those things.

Personal habits can go on to become full-fledged issues, especially when one partner is being disrespected because of those actions, points out Manly. For instance, cleanliness habits like washing dishes or cleaning the countertops can become an issue if one partner completely ignores this aspect.

So, if you try to talk to them about having a fairer relationship where the chores are divided equally and they keep on ignoring your requests or do not try to mend their ways, or do the exact opposite of what they are supposed to do, it is definitely a sign of lack of respect.

We think you must now be in a better position to decide whether you are with the right person or just wasting your time being with them. No relationship can be worth it unless you are happy from the inside-out.