Speedy Cleaning Hacks: TOP 10 Tips for a Clean Home in Half the Time (2 of 6)

Casa Limpa, Joint, Arm, Shoulder, Blue, Leg, Azure, Textile, Thigh, Knee, Table

Clean from top to bottom and then left to right

A lot of times, we make cleaning more difficult because we don’t realize how we spread dirt. Most people clean what catches their eye, and as they move to another spot, the dirt from the previous area falls onto the freshly cleaned space. If you work from top to bottom and left to right, you ensure efficiency, preventing re-cleaning of the same spots.

Registro Do Chuveiro, Lighting

Be a proactive cleaner

Preventive cleaning can save you time in the long run by keeping dirt from building up. Spray it on every time you take a shower to keep your shower from getting dirty. Just spray it on, rinse it off, and leave. You don’t have to do anything, like wipe.