8 Tips For Losing Belly Fat and Keeping It Off (3 of 5)

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4. Develop an exercise routine

We’re not saying you have to go to the gym and get swole. Even a moderate amount of strength training and aerobic exercise will do the trick. When you work out, the impact is felt long after you finish. Yes, imagine that! Your reward is burning calories for the rest of the day!

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5. Avoid processed foods like the plague

Processed foods are often inexpensive and require minimal preparation. However, they are also chock full of sodium, sugar, preservatives, and other ingredients that come from a lab. Losing weight starts with knowing exactly what you’re putting into your body. For this reason, it is best to purchase vegetables, fruits, beans, and lean meats that you can cook yourself. There’s nothing wrong with vegetables from a can or frozen in a bag as they contain all of the nutrition that fresh vegetables have, although keep in mind that canned fruits often contain added syrup.