Shocking Places Where Bacteria Thrive (2 of 5)



Light Switches

Light Switch, Gesture

We only touch them for a brief moment every time, but those small moments build up over time. Remember that we all have bacteria on us and that stuff clings to everything we touch. Light switches are no exception to that.

While that might be cool in the comfort of home, make a point of cleaning switches on the regular in office spaces.



Shopping Carts

Iron, Shopping cart

As you might be able to piece together by now, any item that is public use is prone to have bacteria. Shopping carts are one of those for obvious reasons. You have no clue where it’s been or where the previous user has been.

As a rule, wipe the handle down with a disinfectant wipe. Also avoid touching your face, mouth, eyes or nose while using the cart. Lastly, once you’re done using it, wash your hands.




Money Spread, Saving, Banknote, Dollar, Money changer, Money handling

While we may be using plastic cards over paper and metal, money still carries around a lot of germs. Money is always in circulation and of course that makes germs able to move around great distances.

What’s worse is money can carry around some really harmful bacterias. It’s not out of the ordinary for money to carry salmonella, E. coli, and various other illnesses. If you are handling money, make sure to wash your hands and avoid having money contact your eyes, nose or mouth.



Our Cell Phones

Do With An Old Phone, Mobile phone, Telephony, Telephone, Communication Device, Portable communications device, Gadget, Mobile device

We’re holding these things pretty much all the time. While that’s okay, some of us have thought it would be cool to carry this around in the bathroom. This leads to our phone getting germs and having them cling to our phones.

Even if you’re not carrying this around in the bathroom, we’re still eating, sneezing, coughing and touching different surfaces before touching our phones. This act alone causes germs to begin moving around to various surfaces.

If you’re paranoid about germs, carry an antibacterial cloth to wipe your phone down every day. Wash your hands on the regular and avoid using your phone while eating.



Salt And Pepper Shakers

Mason Jar, Drinkware, Liquid, Food storage containers, Table salt, Tableware, Mason jar, Ingredient, Fluid, Glass bottle

Specifically the ones in restaurants. Similar to the shopping carts, you don’t know who’s touched them or where those people have been. Not only that but it’s the common spices that people use all the time so you know they’ve been used.

To avoid the spread of germs, wipe the shakers down with disinfectant wipe and clean the table or kitchen counter. Of course, washing your hands is smart too.