Do Not Ignore These 23 Minor Health Issues As They Could Be A Signal Of Something Serious (4 of 5)



Changes in bowel movements

Relieves Constipation, Joint, Hand, Shoulder, Arm, Stomach, White, Human body, Neck, Comfort, Sleeve

Digestive problems such as constipation or diarrhea can happen sometimes especially if you have crossed thirty. Including the recommended amount of fiber in your diet and avoiding junk foods should rid of those ailments. However, if you’ve tried everything and feel helpless, don’t hesitate from seeking help as it can be a hint of colon cancer.



Weight loss

Manage Weight, Hand, Scale, Gesture

If you have been eating the same quantity of food and working out the same but your favorite shirt now hangs loose on your shoulders, you have to find out what lead to this. Cancer in your lung, pancreas, stomach, or esophagus can make you lose pounds without you making any effort.



Bleeding or getting bruised easily

Neel On Hand, Skin, Human body, Gesture, Finger

There are some people who get bruised or bleed easily but if you weren’t one of them and have started to notice ugly-looking blue marks and can’t tell what you hit that made you get it, don’t pull down the sleeve and forget you even have it. It can mean that you have leukemia, a type of cancer of the tissues which form the blood.




Bloating, Joint, Comfort, Sleeve, Gesture, Dress

The most common cause of bloating is food. If you have eaten a bigger meal or had too much water, it’s natural for you to feel bloated for the rest of the day or even the next day. But, if your stomach troubles you too often for no apparent fault of yours, it may be a symptom of cancer. Colon and stomach cancer typically exhibit such signs at early stages.



Frank’s sign

Close Up, Eye, Sky, Gesture

Frank’s sign is a crease that runs diagonally on one or both of the earlobes. Done inspecting your earlobes in the mirror? Now read patiently. Having it doesn’t mean you have a series condition but this crease has been linked sometimes with a number of coronary and vascular diseases. Get regular checkups and tests done and you have nothing to be tensed about.