20 Terrible Things To Do When Sick (4 of 4)



Using Public Transit

Train Station, Train, Plant, Transport hub, Flowerpot, Houseplant

Public transportation is a cesspool of germs, smells and more depending on where you live. In most cases this is a perfect breeding ground for germs to run rampant and spread around. Because of this, it’s a smart ideas for individuals who are sick to avoid public transit.

Why is that?

Well, according to a 2018 study, researchers found that the best way to spread an infection in London is through public transit. After all, the study uncovered those who used it were at higher risk of getting sick than on any other mode of transportation.



Using Decongestant Spray Too Much

Allergy, Lip, Hand, Mouth, Eyelash, Human body, Jaw, Flash photography, Gesture

Stuffy noses are the worst when getting over a cold. For some of us it feels like you can’t breathe. Fortunately people have created decongestant sprays such as Afrin to help with those issues.

But while these are a relief, you also want to be cautious about them. Why is that? Well think of them not as short term relief, but a delay of the symptom. According to WebMD, they found that if you use them for over three days, the stuffy nose problem will come back with a vengeance once you stop.



Blowing Your Nose Way Too Hard

Balgam Yutmak, Nose, Cheek, Lip, Glasses, Hand, Shoulder, Eyebrow, Eye, Eyelash, Vision care

When we get the cold we go through a lot of Kleenex, but one thing to do is to make sure you are blowing your nose softly and safely when starting out. As one 2000 study found out, how hard you blow your nose can be the difference between getting a sinus infection and not getting one. How the sinus infection is triggered is when you blow too hard, you’re propelling mucus into your sinuses.



Spending All Day Outside Of Your Home

Crowd, Jeans, Shorts, Luggage and bags, Building

Whether you are sick or think you are getting sick, staying at home during those times and resting is a more efficient way of getting healthier. Find that as the starting of the healing process as early as you can, which is smarter to do than trying to get out and about.

I’m sure that friends and family can understand if you’ve got to cancel plans in order to rest up and recuperate.



Touching Your Face

Average Male Hairline, Forehead, Nose, Hair, Head, Lip, Chin, Eyebrow, Eye, Eyelash, Pompadour

Remember I mentioned earlier about washing hands. Well, you especially want to do that if you have a tendency of touching your face. When you are sick, another thing you want to avoid is touching your face unless you’ve washed your hands.

Why is that?

Well, similar to the idea of washing your hands, everything you touch has a risk of transferring new germs. Whether it’s on a surface like a doorknob or a countertop, but this also applies to your hands and mouth.

You can easily make yourself sicker by merely touching your face while you are sick.

So whenever you are feeling sick, make a point of taking a breather and allowing yourself to recover. You will be doing your body and everyone else around you a service by focusing on your health.