List of 15 drinks that would help reduce that waistline for good quickly! (4 of 8)



Slimming Green Tea And Mint

دمنوش نعناع فلفلی, Drinkware, Liquid, Plant, Tableware, Green, Dishware, Serveware, Water

Ingredients required:

  • a cup of water
  • 4-5 mint leaves
  • 1 tablespoon of green tea leaves

Preparation method:

1. First, add the mint leaves in some water and boil the mixture. Let it boil for around 5 more minutes.

2. Now, add the green tea leaves and allow it to steam for around 5 minutes.

3. Finally, strain the green tea leaves and pour out the drink in a cup.

4. Stir the drink as you relish it!

Health benefits: Green tea has many health benefits, one of which is obviously its antioxidant properties. It contains a compound called epigallocatechin that helps you in losing weight tremendously. Mint leaves are great for the stomach, as they prevent any kind of gastritis or bloating, apart from boosting your immune system and flushing out the toxins.



Fast Weight Loss Coconut Water Drink

Coconut Morning, Food, Tableware, Plant, Ingredient, Drinkware, Cup

Ingredients required:

  • 1 cup of coconut water
  • ½ teaspoon of ground fennel seeds
  • a pinch of black salt
  • 1/4th cup pineapple

Preparation method:

1. Slice the pineapple into small pieces and blend it in a blender.

2. Now, add the coconut water in the blender, and the ground fennel seeds and blend the mixture well.

3. Pour the drink in a glass and add ice.

4. Your drink is ready!

Health benefits: Coconuts, as we all know, are superfoods, as they contain a crazy amount of minerals and vitamins. Coconut water, too, is a great source of those minerals and it also keeps you full for long – aiding your weight loss program well. Further, it boosts the renal functions and is good for your skin, too! Pineapple is another superfood. It contains a compound known as bromelain, which is known to promote digestion and reduce inflammation in the body. Fennel seeds are another great thing for your stomach health. They not only aid digestion, but also help in preventing nausea and bloating. They are also known for their anti-oxidant properties, which help in flushing out the harmful toxins out of the body.