Subtle Breast Cancer Symptoms You May Be Ignoring

Every day, millions of people are affected by breast cancer – and the numbers are only growing. This is partly because of the lack of awareness around symptoms and early signs. One of the key factors in preventing breast cancer is being familiar with its symptoms, so that you can be personally vigilant in ensuring you are healthy. A majority of the population is aware of the more prominent symptoms, but many are still unfamiliar with some of the more subtle signs of breast cancer. It is these lesser-known symptoms that can be the difference between catching the disease early, or having to deal with a more advanced case. Read on to learn more about this disease and the subtle breast cancer symptoms you may be overlooking.

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Early Detection

One of the most important aspects of breast cancer and successfully maneuvering breast cancer treatment is early detection. The sooner symptoms are detected, the greater the chance that treatment will be effective. This makes long-term recovery a real possibility. So learning these signs is crucial for early detection.

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Subtle Symptoms To Watch For

Some of the most common indicators are lumps and changes in the appearance of breasts. One of the more subtle changes is skin dimpling or puckering. This can appear to be just a small indentation or uneven texture of the skin. It can be only slightly different from the texture of normal skin. Another sign to look for is swelling or redness in the breast. This can sometimes just indicate an infection or inflammation. But it could also be a sign of cancer.

Additionally, be mindful of any changes to your nipple area. One subtle sign of breast cancer is discharge coming from the nipple. Of course, this would be more likely to occur if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. But even still, if the discharge looks abnormal, this could be cause for concern. The abnormal discharge could be bloody or strange in color. Beyond discharge, also pay attention to the appearance of your nipple. It is normal for the way our breasts and nipples appear to change over time. But abnormal changes that could indicate the potential presence of breast cancer are inversion and flattening of the nipple. If any changes like this occur suddenly, it may be time to reach out to a physician.

Pain and discomfort are also potential indications of breast cancer. Pain is not usually a cause for concern, if it is sporadic and temporary. But persistent and constant pain or discomfort could be a potential sign of breast cancer. Swelling of lymph nodes could also be a reason to speak with a doctor. Lymph nodes under the arms and around the collarbones are subtle signs of potential breast cancer.

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Why Self-Examination is So Important

Knowing these subtle signs is the first step in the early prevention of breast cancer. But taking it a step further and using this knowledge is the real key to early prevention. Self-examinations are so important – and doing them regularly will help you have a better understanding of what is normal for your breasts, and what is out of the norm. If you are familiar with the feel of your breasts and nipples, you will definitely be aware if anything changes or becomes abnormal. Performing a self-examination is simple and won’t take up too much of your time, but could make all the difference in possibly catching breast cancer early.

There are two ways to check your breasts effectively. First, stand in front of a mirror with your arms by your sides, then raise them above your head. You can then check for any changes in shape, size, or appearance. Secondly, lying down, you can pad your fingers to feel for any lumps, check the outer edge of your nipples, and apply different amounts of pressure to feel deeper breast tissue.

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Risk Factors To Consider For Prevention

Breast cancer is prevalent for a number of different reasons and factors. Sometimes it is due to age, while other times it is simply due to genetics. Individuals over the age of 50 are at greater risk, as are those who have genetic mutations like BRCA1 and BRCA2. Lifestyle also plays a huge role, as obesity, alcohol consumption, and being less active can all increase risks. Additionally, hormones are another huge factor in breast cancer development, specifically estrogen. Studies have shown that long exposure to estrogen can significantly increase the risk of developing breast cancer.

The key to reducing these risks is to live your life the best way you can to prevent them. This means adopting a healthy lifestyle of eating better, exercising, and maintaining a healthy weight. And while we may all like to enjoy an occasional drink or two, limiting excessive alcohol consumption will drastically improve the odds of steering clear of the potential development of breast cancer. Another key factor for women who have or will have children is breastfeeding. Research shows that breastfeeding can protect against breast cancer as well.