Ultimate List of Fast Food Hamburgers – Worst to Best (2 of 4)


Burger King: Whopper

Junk Food, Food, Ingredient, Bun, Sandwich, Staple food

Burger King; probably the only burger chain that comes in close as a rival to McDonald’s. Probably also situated right down the other side of your street. Although the chain is not as big as their rival, they are just a tiny little bit better. Barely.


Let us first step aside from talking about their actual plain hamburger, which is so much something of a heartbreaker we can’t contemplate that right now- and let’s examine the Whopper. The Whopper includes all of the toppings that you would hope to see on a burger, but the major issue is that they are way too charitable with the white onion, and their patties are way too small for the size of toppings.


Burger King still wins over McDonald’s though, and we’ll tell you just how. The burgers for one, taste so much better with the flame-grilled taste Burger King presents. Also, the overall construction of the burgers is better. Burger King wins in that aspect in all ways.



Shake Shack: ShackBurger

Junk Food, Food, Ingredient, Fast food, Staple food, Dish

We’ll start with everything that makes Shake Shack’s Shackburger worth giving a try. The chain offers customers the option of getting double of toppings, maybe in a bid to make up for their stingy helpings of tomato, lettuce, and onion. The patties on these burgers are also better than most others on this list – they are impressively thick. The meat contains good juice and fair flavor, although it lacks in the seasoning department.


And now, everything wrong with the Shackburger. The entire burger comes off as too small, even with the generously thick patty. The quality of the burgers isn’t too consistent either, and sometimes, you could find yourself receiving such a terrible burger and other days, you’d wonder why their burgers have a somewhat bad rep.



Smashburger: Classic Smash

Junk Food, Food, Ingredient, Sandwich, French fries, Bun, Fast food, Recipe, Staple food, Cuisine, Dish

The Classic Smash burger that Smashburger offers comes in a choice of black bean, beef, or turkey patty. We will be examining the beef patty here. The burger is constructed of a patty placed between two egg buns and complemented with lettuce, onion, cheese, tomato, pickles, and their uniquely made Smash Sauce. The seasoning is not the best it could be, but the generous size of the patties slightly makes up for that. Overall, the beef is fresh, but the toppings are really nothing to write about. Their Smash Sauce barely even makes the cut for unique recipes – it is really just a combo of mayo and some mustard.


They earn huge points for their choice of egg bun, though. The softness and fluffiness lend a hand in raising the burger above all other fast food chains. That’s about the only thing worth mentioning about the burger, though. Okay, but definitely not great. Thank you, next.



Carl’s Jr.: Original Six Dollar Thickburger

Cheeseburger, Food, Ingredient, Tableware, Bun, Fast food, Staple food, Recipe, Sandwich, Cuisine, Dish

This burger signifies the beginning of better burgers on this list. The Original Six Dollar Thickburger that the fast-food chain offers is actually the closest thing they have to a plain hamburger. The package includes; 1/3 lb. patty, pickles, cheese, lettuce, red onion, ketchup, mayo, tomatoes, and mustard. Basically the standard on all burgers, but their patty really makes them stand out – with its nice thickness and enticing flavor. The toppings also add some points, and their construction is not as messy as some of the others higher up on this list – they usually keep the lettuce and other underneath the patty and cheese instead of on top of the cheese; creating a less messy looking burger.


However, the Six Dollar Thickburger really is a blah addition to this list. It definitely makes the cut as good, but it barely holds its own when stacked against some of the other, better burgers.



Fatburger: Medium Fatburger

Junk Food, Food, Ingredient, Recipe, Bun, Sandwich, Fast food, Staple food, Baked goods

The name ‘Fatburger’ is already enough of a statement on its own, don’t you think? And, it takes a lot of effort to maintain your target market and live up to the standards you have set for your burgers. But, this fast-food chain actually does live up to the expectations.


The Fatburger is available in all sizes and satisfies just about every taste there is. The small version is basically a miniature child snack, and the size XXL is almost a mockery of a larger than life appetite. The medium sized burger is basically fine with all of the standard toppings packed between two well-toasted buns, all sitting atop a well-proportioned patty. The name basically speaks for itself – it really is a fat burger.


The patty is not to be downplayed, though; it is pretty well seasoned, although a bit lean for us. The burger is in all a well-constructed burger that sits well for its size.