Get Rid Of The Stress With This Super Easy Yoga Routine (2 of 3)


Yoga Pose Woman, yoga pant, Leg, Stomach, Active pants, camisoles, Waist, Knee

For those with great balance, the Tree pose is one consideration. Because you’re standing on one foot, you need that good sense of balance, but for those who can make that work, it brings more awareness and allows you to be in the present moment. Because of that aspect, this slows your mind down, since you’re focusing on other more important things. It brings calmness, grounding, and stability within your body.

To try out this pose:

      • Stand with your feet together. This is called the Mountain pose. From there, move all of your weight into your left foot as you raise your right foot off the ground.
      • Grab onto your right ankle with your right hand and flex your foot while moving your heel up along your standing leg as much as possible with your toes pointing downward.
      • In order to keep this position one stable consideration is to press your left leg and the sole of your right foot against one another. You can also draw your right knee back to open up your hips too.
      • Once you’ve reached stability, press your palms together in front of your heart and hold that position for five breaths. Raising your arms into the air is also an alternative.



Standing Forward Fold

Yoga Pose Standing Forward Bend, Arm, Shoulder, Flash photography, Wood, Waist, Knee

Similar to the Wide-Legged Forward Bend, this relieves stress and follows similar sequences to perform. But an added bonus to this particular pose is that it releases tension from the spine, as well as any other tightness in your body. Such is the case when doing stretches that force your head to hang below your heart.

To do this pose:

      • Start at the front of your mat, feet hips-width apart and your hands on your hips. Inhale and then start to reach your arms straight up.
      • When you are exhaling, you’ll want to engage your abs while folding forward with a straight back. Tuck your chin in towards your chest, relax your shoulders and extend the crown of your head towards the floor. During this whole time, have the weight in your feet and move them to your toes. This forces your legs to be as straight as possible while doing this stance.
      • Let your hands hang towards the floor or like the Wide-Legged Forward Bend, you can fold them and cup your elbows too.
      • Hold that position for 30 seconds.



Happy Baby

Yoga Pozisyonları Seksi, Arm, Shoulder, Leg, Flash photography, Neck, Knee, Wood

Yoga has several kinds of exercises that revolve around you standing or being on your hands and knees. But one simple pose breaks the mold of the various yoga poses and that is Happy Baby. Since this one revolves around laying on your back, this helps in opening your hips and allowing for deeper breathing too.

To try out this pose:

      • First lay on your back, bend your knees and hold onto your feet, ankles, or the back of your thighs. Whichever is most comfortable for you.
      • The goal after that is to pull your legs towards the floor to be as comfortable as you can make it. From there, you can hold still or rock yourself from side to side. You’re to hold that position for five breaths.




Yoga Cycling, Joint, Shoulder, Leg, Neck, Flash photography, Wood, Knee, Waist, Thigh

For those looking to really open their hips, the Pigeon pose is a strong one to do. On top of that, it’s a great stress reliever, since it calms your nervous system while also working on loosening lower back, hips and glutes.

To perform this pose:

        • Sit down with your right knee bent and your left leg extended behind you.
        • After that, pull the right heel towards your left hip. Alternatively, if your hips are more open, inch your right foot away from you. Regardless of what you’re doing, you want your left hip to be pointing downwards towards the mat. If it ever shifts towards the ceiling, draw your right foot back towards your body.
        • Stay in that pose with your hands resting on top of the right thigh of your hips. You can also let your hands out in front of you too. Doing that will get your torso to rest on your right knee.
        • Hold that position while breathing calmly. Do this for at least a minute, but you can go up to as much as five minutes if needed.
        • Repeat this same pose, but with your left knee bent.