10 Unique Sandwiches From Around The World You Absolutely Must Try! (2 of 6)

Fruit Sando — Japan

Fruit Sando is a delicate Japanese masterpiece where fluffy milk bread cradles a vibrant oasis of fresh fruit and pillowy whipped cream. This sandwich is all about vibrant strawberry slices nestled next to juicy kiwi stars, all bathed in a cloud of lightly sweetened cream. Often cut diagonally to reveal the artistic composition within, these colorful treats are as much a feast for the eyes as they are for the taste buds!

Lapredotto — Italy

The Florentine lampredotto panino is a bold bite of history and flavor. This street food gem features slow-cooked tripe (fourth cow stomach!), doused in herb broth and served on a crusty roll. Drizzled with fiery salsa verde or mild Peperoncino sauce, it’s a textural adventure of tender meat and crisp bread. While not for the faint of heart, its unique taste and cultural significance make it a must-try for adventurous foodies.