8 Reasons to Eat Garlic Everyday

Did you know that the average person eats around 2 pounds (1kg) of garlic per year? But why strive to be average when you have so much potential? Since the beginning of civilization, garlic has been a key component of our diets, and whether your ancestors were from China, Ancient Egypt, the Roman Empire, or Transylvania, they respected (or feared) this bulbous flowering plant for its medicinal properties and/or ability to kill vampires. Why should you add garlic to your meals every day? Check out these 8 amazing reasons!

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It provides your immune system with the boost it needs

Quick: what prevents us from being victims of randomly dropping dead for no good reason? Our immune systems, of course! The average adult (again, we believe you are so much better than average!) comes down with three illnesses per year. But when your immune system is strong enough, these coughs and sneezes are nothing more than minor nuisances. To stave off the flu, chop up and eat two cloves of garlic every day!