8 Things You Can Learn About Someone Based On Their Eating Preferences (2 of 5)

гастрономический тур португалия, Food, Tableware, Table, Plate, Ingredient, Recipe, Seafood

2. Open- or close-minded?

Our willingness to try exotic and unfamiliar foods and cuisines is a clear indication of how open or close-minded we are. Those who fit into the former category are very curious, adventurous, and are all about experimentation when it comes to their food choices. If you invite them to a Thai, Ethiopian, or Uzbek restaurant, there is no way they’d refuse. On the other hand, close-minded individuals are more conservative and will opt for things that are “safe” and familiar, such as meatloaf, spaghetti, and grilled cheese sandwiches.

Girl, Smile, Lip, Food, Hand, Tableware, Orange, Happy, Food craving, Gesture

3. Fast- or slow-paced?

What we choose to eat strongly correlates with our pace of life. Those who live a fast-paced lifestyle prefer quick and easy meals like fast food, soups, sandwiches, and salads. You might even find such people multitasking, and therefore eating while working or even driving (although we don’t discourage it! Stay safe, readers!). Slow-paced folks enjoy taking their time and really savoring their food. As a result, they’re more likely to be found at sit-down restaurants where the meals take more time to prepare, such as Italian cuisine and steakhouses.