6 Ways to Turn Your Coffee Into a Superfood (2 of 4)

Drinking Turmeric Milk, Hand, Drinkware, Cup, Gesture

Turmeric can help with digestion

If you make it a habit to read health blogs, you might have stumbled upon an article or two on the unconventional latte that contains turmeric rather than coffee. Not only does it taste great, but your organs will also thank you since a diet that contains a generous amount of turmeric helps protect the heart and liver, aids in digestion, and might even help in the treatment of depression. Combine turmeric with coconut and enjoy some of those healthy fats while you’re at it.

Cafe Con Jengibre, Food, Dishware, Tableware, Table, Ingredient, Recipe, Serveware

Gingerize your java to lower bad cholesterol

If the only time you’re eating ginger is when it’s baked into that sugary cookie, you’re really missing out on all the beneficial reasons for consuming this spice. For centuries, it has been a common folk medicine used for treating nausea and aiding in digestion, and today we know it can help lower bad cholesterol. In addition, its anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce muscle and joint pain. Mix a teaspoon into your coffee, and you end up with a home version of the pumpkin spice latte, but with fewer calories and sugar than the kind you’ll find at the coffee shop. You can even take that extra fresh ginger that you use when making stir-fry, grate it, stick it in the freezer, and add it to your coffee every morning.