9 Hair Hacks You Should Try (3 of 5)

Shirt Wrap Hair, Leg, Comfort, Sleeve, Gesture

4. Dry with a t-shirt

When you dry your hair with a towel, you are often left with unwanted frizziness. To fix this, use a cotton t-shirt instead and then blow dry using the cool setting. Heat will only exacerbate the frizzy effect. Why use a cotton t-shirt? Bath towels have a way of causing lots of friction, resulting in the frizzies. When drying your hair, avoid rubbing it. Instead, you should squeeze it to also avoid friction.

It's the heat that straightens the hair. But too much, and hair can be permanently limp, or burned.

5. Straighten the right way

When getting your hair ready, the process of straightening it is likely something you never look forward to because it is so time-consuming. To shave minutes off the process, turn up the heat settings on your flat iron (mid-high is best) so that you don’t have to repeatedly go over the same strains of hair. As a bonus, this limits the damage.