Wash Hair With Coke? It’s Incredibly Effective! (2 of 3)

Coca Cola Hair Rinse, Hand, Bottle, Liquid, Drinkware, Fluid, Sleeve, Gesture, Finger

How exactly do you wash your hair with Coke?

It’s actually pretty easy to wash your hair with Coke. Simply pour 1-2 bottles of Coke over your hair. It may take more or less depending on your hair length and volume. It is also helpful to pour the Coke in your hair over a bowl, so that the Coke will collect into the bowl. Then dig your hair into the bowl of Coke to ensure that your whole head is thoroughly saturated.

The next step is to leave the Coke in your hair for about 5 to 10 minutes. In doing so, don’t be too worried about the sticky feeling you may feel. It is just a result of the sugar content building up in your hair, which is a good thing in this case.

Conditioner Rambut

The next step is to wash your hair with a mild shampoo, or even just water. You will want to then rinse your hair for 3 to 5 minutes and make sure to completely remove the Coke from your tresses. At this point, don’t use any hair masks or conditioners.

The last step is to simply dry your hair. You can let it air dry or use a towel to absorb any excess water. You will then be left with more defined and soft hair, thanks to a soft drink. Who would’ve guessed that this product would be such a great tool for defined, beautiful hair.