9 Of The Most Dangerous Social Media Skin-Care Myths That You Should Avoid (2 of 3)

Myth 4: Natural Skin-Care Is Better

Organic Skin Care, Tableware, Dishware, Product, Rangpur, Ingredient, Food, Citrus, Cuisine, Serveware

With more people being more conscious about the environment, businesses have started to jump into this in various fashions. We believe that food labelled organic or grass-fed is better or we look for products with leaf symbols or have some other “green” benefit.

In the case of beauty products, one thing the beauty industry has done is use terms like ‘clean,’ ‘organic,’ or ‘chemical-free.’

While these are all good terms in our minds, these terms only actually mean that they are free of certain types of chemicals. In this case, these are free of parabens, fragrances, sulphates, dyes, and phthalates.

At this time, there isn’t an FDA-regulated definition for any of those terms mentioned above.

This also means that these terms are largely defined by the companies who put them on their products. The only thing that is defined in this sort of realm is the term organic, which is only defined by the USDA and is used to refer to crops.

The reality is all-natural products or ones labelled as greener products aren’t necessarily more effective or even safer than regular skincare products.

All of this is what Dr. Joshua Zeichner, a New York City-based board-certified dermatologist and Associate Professor of Dermatology and the Director of Cosmetic & Clinical Research in Dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital, stated – reinforcing his point with:

“The next time you’re considering purchasing a product because it’s ‘all-natural,’ remember that poison ivy is all-natural as well, but certainly not something you want to get close to.”



Myth 5: Coffee Grounds Are Appropriate For Face Scrubbing

Ground Coffee, Brown, Ingredient

Finding some nice and cheap DIY beauty tips is nice in certain circumstances. Instead of relying on yet another product, you can look around your house to find some other alternative.

However, some of these methods go a little too far and using coffee grounds as a face scrub is one of them.

For sure, you can use these just fine for your legs if you’ve got some self-tanner on there and you want to remove it. But the last place you want coffee grounds to be on is your face. Even if you’re mixing it with safe facial oils.

The reason for this is simple: microtears.

You’re not going to see them, but according to Dr. Dendy Engelman, a New York City-based board-certified dermatologist at Shafer Plastic Surgery, stated that these can exacerbate pre-existing conditions such as acne or rosacea.

It can also leave your skin more vulnerable to infections and even staph if you’re not careful.



Myth 6: It Better To Self-Diagnose And Treat Skin Issues At Home

Face Cream Unsplash, Smile, Joint, Lip, Shoulder, Eyebrow, Eyelash, Neck, Ear, Flash photography, Jaw

Continuing on with the whole DIY theme we get it at times. Instead of going to see a skin doctor or finding other products, it might be smarter and cheaper to google your problem, find some solutions, and do it all yourself.

And in some cases, that’s totally fair. Absolutely, try out some over-the-counter solutions. Got acne problems? Try some drugstore acne treatments for example.

However, if the problem is getting worse or there is no improvement, it’s smarter for you to see a professional. Home remedies are nice, but they’re not all designed to deal with very specific problems all the time.