Top 15 Controversial Celebrity Instagram Moments (3 of 3)



Not Welcomed In China

Gigi Hadid China, Nose, Cheek, Lip, Hand, Eyebrow, Mouth, Cloud, Smile, Human body, Jaw

When it was announced that Gigi Hadid would be making an appearance in China for Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show, Hadid was excited. She posted the news to Instagram and was quickly met with a lot of hostility. To the point people made it very clear that wasn’t welcomed in China.

The reason this happened was due to a post that she posted a few months earlier. It showed her younger sister, Bella, who posted a video of Hadid mocking Asian stereotypes. According to the Huffington Post, “Hadid can be seen laughing and squinting her eyes at a table with friends while holding what appears to be a Buddha cookie to her face.”

It also didn’t make things better when Hadid was on the cover of Vogue China around the time this video emerged. She’s turned off comments on all of her posts, but it doesn’t hide the fact she lost some fans with all this.



A Post On Femininity

Emily Ratajkowski, Nose, Lip, Chin, Eyebrow, Eyelash, Flash photography, Jaw, Iris

In most situations, Emily Ratajkowski has some skills on Instagram, however there is one particular photo that left her followers accusing her for being misinformed and insensitive. As the new face of a French hair care brand, Kerastase, she captioned an Instagram post that was meant to explain how important hair was to one’s beauty.

The post went “Hair is a fundamental part of beauty, femininity, and identity.” To no one’s surprise, negative comments started to hurl in with some insisting she delete either the post or the caption.

The reason? One of the commenters can best explain that:

How is it fundamental to a woman’s beauty?? What about my girls suffering from cancer?? Do you think they even had a choice about losing their hair? Does that make them less beautiful because they’re lacking a “fundamental” part of beauty?? Ignorant and hurtful caption. Think about how your words affect other people before you put it on the internet.

Ratajkowski has changed the caption to “Welcome good hair days!” For obvious reasons.



Bella Thorne’s “Racist” Post

Celebrities Controversial Photoshoot, Skin, Lip, Eyebrow, Eyelash, Flash photography, Gesture

What started as Bella Thorne’s attempt at sending a heartfelt message – loving your body regardless of insecurities – quickly became a message towards racism. In the post, she posted a nude photo of herself from a shot in GQ Mexico in which she explains, “I specifically asked for no re touching on this photo, and lemme tell you I have insecurities, about pretty much everything. That’s natural & that’s human.”

While there was certainly praise for her honesty, it was mostly the last line that sparked a lot of mixed emotions. She finished the caption with “I’m not F*CKING PERFECT. I’M A HUMAN BEING AND IM REAL. So hip hop your asses over the fence and GET OVER IT. @gqmexico.”

Many mistaken the “hip hop over the fence” line to be an inappropriate joke regarding immigration from Mexico to the United States. This was also fuelled by the fact President Trump has a long desire to build a wall between the two countries.

It also made matters worse when Thorne didn’t clarify and instead tweeted “Latina and proud.” Many took that as justification for her remarks regarding the backlash. To summarize, a Twitter user wrote: “Bella Thorne on Sept 28: Hip hop over the fence, Mexicans! Bella Thorne on Oct 1: IM A LATINA EVERYBODY XOXO.”



More Shade

Most Inappropriate Celebrities, Forehead, Nose, Lip, Muscle, Mouth, Eyelash, Jaw, Neck, Happy, Gesture

The relationship between the Kardashian-West family and Taylor Swift has always been quite rocky. The two of them have been feuding for a long time to the point that fans do get involved in it, often dragging the Kardashians into yet another Instagram scandal.

It all started when Kim Kardashian posted a throwback photo from Kanye West’s “Famous” music video. Part of the music video shows him naked in bed with a wide variety of celebrities. Even though we know all of those figures were wax figures, there is still that line that raised a lot of controversy.

In the video there was a depiction of Swift followed up with the line “I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex/ Why? I made that b*tch famous.”

Naturally, Swift was outraged by it all and it also came around the time that Kardashian exposed Swift with a recording of her approving of them over the phone. There was so much controversy, fans took to the throwback photo of the music video and made comments with rat emojis.

Needless to say, this controversy isn’t going to be put to rest.



Hate For Having A Good 2017


By the end of 2017, Taylor Swift was doing her best to send positive vibes to her followers, but it’s this particular attempt that caused fans to get salty towards her. On her 28th birthday, Swift posted a picture of herself center stage during one of her concerts with the caption, “I couldn’t have asked for a better year, all thanks to you.”

In most situations this post would’ve been nice, however 2017 was a tough year in the United States due to natural disasters, and political controversies. 2017 was the start of many celebrities reaching out and connecting to their fans by talking about the nation’s struggles.

All except Taylor Swift.

This sparked controversy as fans concluded many of her fans are Trump supporters therefore she must be one as well. It sparked publications and users to start posting lines like this:

“Of Course Taylor Swift is the Only Person Who Enjoyed 2017.”