What Type of Worker are You? (3 of 4)



The “Know-It All”

Suit Man Executive, Outerwear, Dress shirt, Tie, Neck, Flash photography, Sleeve, Gesture

You know this type too probably. These are the people who have the answers for literally everything and anything. Not only that but they will provide their own insights whenever they are given the chance.

These are the people who speak up and never quiet down in any kind of social situation. Office meetings, social events, water-cooler conversations. These “speeches” often are filled with unwarranted advice and are hard to get out of as these people don’t normally take no for an answer.

The other glaring issue about this personality type is these are people who aren’t always the most knowledgeable. They’re quick to make things up when diving into uncharted territory so to speak.



The Talker

Work Business, Hand, Watch, Table, Product, Tableware, Laptop, Sleeve, Desk, Gesture

Much like the know-it all, these people know how to attract attention. To an often annoying point. The talkers are people who love to talk but never want to work. It’s to the point where you can wonder what the talker would do with themselves if they were out of a job.

It’s worth thinking about. Seriously, who would listen to these people if they had no one around to talk to?

Anyway, despite all this, they are helpful to have around. These talkers are great to keep conversations going in various situations. From office meetings to social events, these people can keep them engaging and flowing.



The Clown

Dinosaurs Wearing Suit, Dress shirt, Purple, Neck, Sleeve, Flash photography, Gesture

Similar to class clowns, there is also the office clown. Much like this type, you either love them hate them. It’s a coin flip whether it’s one case or the other.

In the best case scenario, these people are able to break the ice during tense situations. Like a jester at a court, they can liven up any dull or tense situation.

At worst, they are not funny at all and can fumble all over. They may not be aware of how to end a joke, take the work seriously or in some cases take anything at all seriously.



The Real Leader

Conversation, Trousers, Shoulder, Sleeve, Gesture

As the title suggests, this is the real leader in the office. When they speak, people listen, trust, admire, and respect this person. This personality type isn’t always attributed to someone in a leadership position type though. Regardless, this is someone who takes their work seriously.

Getting into more detail, these leaders have core values in regards to the business and enforce these values. On top of that, they inspire those around them with enthusiasm and help others achieve their goals.

Another way to look at real leaders is they are achievers but not as over-the-top as overcommitted colleagues. They’re also socially astute but aren’t as extreme as office gossips or talkers either.

All in all, they maintain a balance of their priorities.