We Can Uncover Your Best Personality Traits Based On Your Favourite Fruits! (4 of 4)




Best Fertilizer For Grapes, Plant, Branch, Water, Fruit, Seedless fruit, Orange, Food

When we think of grapes we think of nutritious balls that are filled with amazing taste, that are easy to have any time of the year. It is easy to love them since they are sweet and packed with vitamins. Anyone who loves them is open to change and they do not like being stagnant in one situation for very long. You want to change. Be it your Professional life or even your being. You believe as long as you’re moving you are winning. And as grape lovers, we’d like to warn you to be careful. This is both a good or a bad thing. Just don’t forget ‘living in the moment’ and enjoying it is as important as constantly moving. So take a couple of seconds to just enjoy some sweet grapes.




Taiwanese Pineapple, Food, Pineapple, Ananas, Fruit, Green, Natural foods, Ingredient, Terrestrial plant

If you chose pineapple as your favorite fruit, you probably think you are harder on outside but full of loving sweetness on the inside. Your favorite fruit being pineapple might be because of its very abrasive exterior. But once you can open up you can show others the abundance of fun, positivity, and happiness that you carry in your heart. You like to stand tall and wear the crown just like what a pineapple does. Luckily, they say it’s the character that matters and outside appearances aren’t to be trusted even if they might be out off-putting. Generally, looks are not a very good measure of judging someone’s character.




Fruta Melon, Food, Green, Fruit, Natural foods, Galia, Ingredient

Who doesn’t love melons? They are sweet and full minerals. They are perfect for a lazy day around the house. Chances are if you are someone who likes melons you are probably an old soul, someone who is very introverted as you might enjoy staying home curled up with some classic book than go and dance away your heart at a club. Your life is very similar to this fruit, simple! Anyone who loves melons knows that simple is always good.