24 Dumb World Records That People Broke Once (4 of 5)



Oldest To Wing Walk

Photographer Standing On Plane, Sky, Vehicle, Aircraft, Aviation

Since the 1920s, airshows have given many people opportunities to practice the act of wing walking. It is exactly as it sounds: you’re walking on the wings while the airplane is in mid-flight.

Of course, these airshows have all kinds of safety measures, but this performance is still very dangerous regardless of how much experience you have. It’s for this reason why Thomas Lackey will be the only one who holds this record as he performed this feat in 2013 at the age of 93.



Living Through The Fastest Car Crash

Art Arfons Green Monster, Tire, Wheel, Motor vehicle, Automotive tire, Automotive design, Vehicle

This record was made in 1966 on November 17th at the Bonneville Salt Flats close to Utah. It was around the time where Art Arfons was piloting his jet-powered Green Monster at 610 mph when all of his sudden, his bearings on the right front wheel seized. This sent the car tumbling for over a mile across the flats.

Arfons was pulled from the wreck, bloodied and dazed. But oddly enough his injuries entailed some cuts, friction burns and bruises.



Sniffing Those Feet And Armpits

Piedi Puzzano Di Formaggio, Water, Human body, Gesture

For the average person, body odour is something we try to remedy. It’s why there is a massive industry revolving around shampoo and deodorant. But all of this comes with a cost.

Yes. Some people are hired to smell armpits and feet to test these products’ effectiveness. This record was set by Madeline Albrecht who spent 15-years sniffing about 5,600 feet and “indeterminate” amount of armpits too.

You can try to beat this record if you can, but at least in this case it doesn’t sound as bad. We mean like, this was her job. She wasn’t at least wandering around sniffing people’s feet and armpits for kicks.



Longest Fingernails

Diseños De Uñas Para Señoras Mayores, Skin, Nail polish, Cosmetics, Nail care, Manicure, Purple, Finger, Gesture

One of the grossest records and utterly pointless is longest fingernails. Shridhar Chillal from India is this record holder and how he achieved this was by not cutting his nails for 66 years. Last he measured them, they were 29 feet in length.

He started this journey when he was 14 years old after being chastised for breaking a nail around the time. Though one thing to note is that this is only on his left hand. So during his 66 years, he was still able to go about his day. He just had to use his right hand for all this time.



Largest Kidney Stone

4mm Kidney Stone, Food

Kidney stones aren’t meant to be pretty big. In the medical industry, a kidney stone shouldn’t be larger than a golf ball. But like with everything, there are definitely some outliers.

Such was the case in 2009 when a Hungarian man by the name of Sandor Sarkadi had a stone removed from his kidney. It weighed in at 2.5 pounds and was about the size of a coconut.

Needless to say, the amount of pain this record holder had to go through is something we can’t even imagine.