19 Interesting Facts Learned In 2019 (3 of 4)



Komodo Dragons Got Armour Under Those Scales

Gigantism In Animals, Vertebrate, Reptile, Plant, Iguania

We know Komodo dragons are fierce animals. Their scales are tough and they can endure vicious battles with other creatures nicely. But we didn’t really know why. Well this year we got to know.

In September, a study found that after scanning this prehistoric lizard they found what they described as a suit of armour made of tiny bones. This covers their entire body and is located under their scales.



Dolphins Lean Right-Handed Too

Aren T Dolphins Fish, Water, Common dolphins, Fin, Fluid, Organism

Dolphins are interesting creatures. Not only are they one of the most intelligent species excluding humans, but they have other human-like abilities. This year we found dolphins to share more human qualities in that most are right-handed – just like humans are.



Don’t Shake Your Head To Get Water Out After Showers Or Swimming

Nasse Haare, Hair, People in nature, Flash photography, Art

This fact is especially for kids. While swimming is great exercise, some people may feel the urge to shake their heads to get the water out. This year this habit could actually be dangerous. According to research done by Virginia Tech and Cornell University, that act could cause brain damage.

But don’t worry too much. Presumably putting a few drops of alcohol or vinegar in one’s ear will reduce the surface tension force allowing water to flow out the ear naturally.



The Bridge Design Leonardo da Vinci Created Would’ve Worked

Leonardo Da Vinci Bridge Norway, Cloud, Sky, Plant

In 1502 Leonardo da Vinci put together plans to make a bridge. This bridge – or rather reconstruction of the bridge – would’ve served to connect Istanbul to the neighbouring city of Galata. At the time it was dismissed, but engineers at MIT proved in 2019 that his design – though clearly dated – would’ve worked.



Humans Are Zombies…

My Story Isn T Finished, Hand, Flash photography, Gesture

The human body is a truly fascinating thing. Paired with all of the other unusual facts, another one to add to the pile is that our corpses can move for more than a year after we’re dead. But don’t be too alarmed by it. What researchers found was that individuals’ legs and arms can move mostly due to the drying up and shrinkage of the body’s ligaments.