20 Worst Movie Moments Of the Decade You Would Never Want To Watch Again (2 of 4)



The Snowman – Worst Finale To A Thriller!

Schneemann Film, Snow, Sleeve, Branch, Street light, Tree

When it was announced that Nesbo’s crime novels will be adapted for the big screen, a lot of people were genuinely fascinated by the news. But when the end product came out, it was not only disastrous, but also featured on the list of one of the most hated flicks of the year 2017 – and we can see why.

A story that revolves around Detective Harry Hole (played by Michael Fassbender) dealing with a completely one-dimensional antagonist is not only flat and boring, but also has a weird and stupid ending with the villain falling through a frozen lake in a random way!

Add to that the fact that there was a better-written blueprint for the villain in this novel’s finale! And not only was the villain more fleshed out and written better, the novel also had a great climax that involved Oslo ski jump.

However, we’d agree that this movie is probably the best of the twenty flicks mentioned in this list, so that is something we suppose!



Texas Chainsaw 3D – A Slaughterhouse Finale

Tania Raymonde Texas Chainsaw

In our opinion, the title of the movie should have been more like “Plot Holes” instead of Texas Chainsaw 3D, because that’s what it is!

A blend of stupid decisions along with equally stupid characters who go through a lot of stupid sequences, Texas Chainsaw 3D is a movie so stupid that it would definitely make Snakes on a Plane look like a documentary! Also, it fails because of its incompetence as both a sequel to 1974 original and as a horror flick.

The stupidity in the movie peaks in the finale, where the corrupt sheriff of the town leaves Heather all tied up as a bait, but as soon as Leatherface arrives, he realizes that Heather is his cousin (as they share a birthmark), and he frees her and they team up to fight the evil, corrupt sheriff of the town.

Irrespective of how you look at all this, it doesn’t fit in logically at all. Heather teaming up with her friends’ murderer, her being pissed off about Sawyer family murders despite the fact that they were nothing, but murderous cannibals, shows just how stupid this flick’s narrative is. The movie ends this nonsensical story with Heather deciding to stay as Leatherface’s caretaker once the fight is over because….reasons.



Saw 3D – Game Over For The Franchise

Sean Patrick Flanery Saw, Flash photography

Despite the fact that there have been no demands for continuing the interesting, but quite inconsistent Saw franchise, it is a good thing. At least, this craziest and most bizarre of endings will allow the franchise in earning itself a second chance.

Saw 3D is a completely dull movie that falls flat from start to finish. In fact, the ending doesn’t even make the audience feel like this big movie franchise is ending now. All the movie does is show us Detective Hoffman prepare yet another tiring and bizarre game that involves a group of people who aren’t deserving enough to live through their nightmarish fates. He also kills Jill, who is Jigsaw Killer’s ex-wife, as she tried to kill Hoffman in the previous installment of the movie.

The movie follows this up with a very straightforward twist when Lawrence Gordon, who was the protagonist in the first movie, turns out another apprentice who kills Hoffman as he was told by Jigsaw (who’s now dead) to take revenge if Jill was ever harmed in the future!

The movie educates the filmmakers in one aspect – it teaches them how NOT to end a franchise. The flick not only left a ton of unanswered questions, but it also didn’t feel the need to complete any of the character arcs in a meaningful way, thus ending this once good movie franchise on a terribly poor note.



The Legend Of Hercules – Arena Battle

Dual Monitor Wallpaper Vikings, Water, Outerwear, Automotive tire

January is the slowest month of the year when it comes to movie releases. It is that time of the year when the studios decide to dump all their trash and hope it somehow earns a bit of money. The Legend of Hercules is probably the epitome of this kind of movies. It had a staggeringly high budget, but the storytelling approach was rock-bottom as it scrapes the very bottom of a cinematic barrel that only a few flicks have managed to reach.

Take this scene for example, where Hercules (played by Twilight fame Kellan Lutz) battles a group of gladiators in an open arena in the most awful of shot sequences. The budget of the movie was $70 million, but the entire sequence looks more like a PS1 based game. Even if we ignore that, the set-piece has nothing worthwhile, but endless slow-motion shots of the combat movies being played out, which results in absolutely no excitement or thrill a gladiator fight should generate.

The most distressing part about the flick is that it is based on Greek mythology, which should make it amazing, but the movie doesn’t even show the slightest of respect for it and ends up more like a video game than a movie.



X-Men: Dark Phoenix – Another Case of Poor End To A Once-Brilliant Franchise

X Men Dark Phoenix Sequel, Cloud, Sky, Flash photography, Entertainment

The X-Men franchise used to be quite consistent and very entertaining series of superhero flicks that had an amazing cast, so it was quite disheartening to see it end the way it did with X-Men: Dark Phoenix.

After a period of troubled time during the movie production, Fox ultimately decided to send Dark Phoenix to the theatres to end up as a flop, but even if X-Men characters are supposed to be a part of MCU now, the makers should have put in more effort. The fans of this awesome franchise definitely deserved a better send-off, as did the X-Men themselves.

We don’t think there’s been a worse franchise ending than this, except for probably the Saw franchise. A finale that featured a dull train sequence with a one-dimensional villain from Jessica Chastain (who’s normally great), and a terrible conclusion for Jean Grey’s character arc as Phoenix; the movie doesn’t even remotely feel like it is the end of such a glorious franchise.

The Beast is now the head of the academy, Charles Xavier and Magneto are busy playing chess in a café in Paris while Jean Grey flies as some weird phoenix and that’s it! Not one character gets a full arc in their respective stories, and nothing feels satisfying about the franchise ending at all.

We can do nothing but hope any other movie franchise doesn’t end this badly.