A List Of 15 Celebrities Who Look Stunning, Or Weird Without Makeup (3 of 3)



Katy Perry

Makeup Katy Perry, Smile, Forehead, Nose, Skin, Lip, Chin, Hairstyle, Eyebrow, Shoulder, Eye

This mega-star is no doubt a stunning woman. Katy Perry looks quite stunning even without makeup in this picture.



Kate Moss

Kare Moss No Make Up, Clothing, Skin, Lip, Outerwear, Hairstyle, Shoulder, Eyelash, Makeover, Iris

Kate Moss looks quite stunning with makeup without a shadow of any doubt. However, it is the non-makeup one we’ll be discussing here and we find it quite amusing how she ends up looking like Smeagol from Lords of the Rings in this picture!

She is undoubtedly a diva on the big screen, and till now, we only assumed that makeup was used to enhance that already gorgeous face.

But clearly, now we know there is more to it! Most of her fans are quite shocked that Kate can actually look like this.



Tyra Banks

Celebrities Without Makeup, Forehead, Hair, Nose, Cheek, Skin, Head, Lip, Chin, Hairstyle, Eyebrow

Tyra is a fierce lady who hasn’t shied away from embracing her natural looks. She has clearly said no to aging, as we can see in this picture how she continues to look stunning.

This snap shows her smiling for the camera, and clearly, the age has no bearing on her beautiful looks.



Halle Berry

Sharon Stone And Halle Berry, Forehead, Skin, Lip, Chin, Eyebrow, Smile, Eyelash, Flash photography, Jaw, Iris

For all those people who were expecting a bad picture of Halle Berry – there is none!

She is rightfully considered one of the most stylish and classy stars in the industry, and she never really shies away from the camera.

As we can see with this picture, she wasn’t even ready for the click, but still ended up looking absolutely drop-dead gorgeous.



Kim Kardashian West

Kim Kardashian Without Makeup, Forehead, Nose, Cheek, Skin, Lip, Chin, Hairstyle, Eyebrow, Smile, Eye

Reality star Kim Kardashian needs no introduction. She hasn’t really looked bad – ever!

In this picture, we can clearly see how stunning she looks even without any makeup on. In fact, this isn’t the first-time fans have caught a glimpse of her without any makeup. She is one of the rare stars who look stunning both with or without the makeup.