List of celebrities who had really weird jobs before they became famous (2 of 9)



Johnny Depp used to sell pens over the phone

Gentleman, Microphone, Outerwear, Coat, Dress shirt, Flash photography

Johnny Depp is a household name now, but this wasn’t always the case. In his initial days trying to find a job to make ends meet, Johnny Depp had to sell some ballpoint pens over the phone. He was promised that if he was able to sell some handful of ballpoint pens, he would be offered a trip to Tahiti! However, Depp didn’t work too long on this job, but he agrees that the job gave him great insight into acting.



Geena Davis posed as a mannequin

Geena Davis, Forehead, Nose, Hair, Smile, Cheek, Skin, Lip, Chin, Eyebrow, Eyelash

Before Thelma and Louise, it was Thelma and Anne… Taylor. And it was precisely at this clothing store that Geena Davis used to pose like a mannequin, standing alongside actual mannequins. She revealed in an interview how one person saw her do that and then stopped to see how it goes about now – and she didn’t move an inch, thanks to her uncanny ability to stand still for a very long time. Her still poses drew a lot of crowds and it later helped in her getting fashion modeling offers.



Dustin Hoffman used to type the yellow pages

Dustin Hoffman Me Too, Shirt, Dress shirt, Tie

Dustin Hoffman, in his initial years of working as an actor, had to change numerous jobs in order to make ends meet. The jobs included one that of a doorman, security check, stringing Hawaiian leis, and even typing up entire yellow pages with a team of eighty women. However, unlike some of the other celebrities on this list, Hoffman said that he never felt any shame in doing trivial jobs as long as it helped him make ends meet.



Helen Mirren worked as a carnie

Blond, Forehead, Cheek, Lip, Smile, Eyebrow, Eyelash, Lipstick, Neck, Ear

Before making it big, Dame Helen Mirren actually worked as a carnie for the Kursaal Amusement Park, where she tried to lure people into trying out various rides available at the park. The term for this job is actually “barker” in the United States, but in the United Kingdom, it is known as “blagger”.



Mick Jagger held a job in a mental hospital

Music Artist

Mick Jagger used to work as a porter at the Bexley Psychiatric Hospital where he transported patient’s belongings to make enough money to pay off his tuition fee at the London School of Economics. This has been claimed in several of the biographies written on him, and many rumors also say that he lost his virginity in a Bexley closet with a nurse!