25 Things You Wouldn’t Believe Your Eyes That Were Actually Scandalous A Hundred Years Ago (2 of 5)



Sending kids to school

Photograph, Cloud, Sky, Plant, Black, Building, Tree, Infrastructure, Black-and-white, Gesture

Back in early 1900s, only around fifty percent of kids who were between the age of five and nineteen were actually enrolled in schools. And out of those who were actually enrolled, most of them actually decided to call it quits after the eighth grade! And while talking about compulsory education, one Democrat from Iowa went on to call it an anti-American, anti-Democratic thing to force kids to go to school. Well, one thing is for sure – hearing that statement, we now know who really didn’t want to go to school in his childhood!



Using umbrellas

Rain England, Footwear, Umbrella, Shoe, Photograph, Water

When Jonas Hanway – a Brit who decided to walk the streets of London with an umbrella over his head in the mid-nineteenth century, he was frowned upon and people threw all sorts of things at him. Some even tried to run him over with their motorcars! The history books of today fondly remember him as the brave man who first used an umbrella. In the modern-day, ironically, umbrella is a must if you’re in England, thanks to the everchanging weather that can surprise you with rain any moment!



Drugs as a solution to all your problems

Mirror And Razor Blade, Hand, Water

If you told a man hundred years ago that using drugs like cocaine and heroin was not the real solution to the problems he was facing, you would be laughed upon. It wasn’t just okay to use these drugs, even doctors would prescribe them! Yes, doctors. In fact, cocaine was one of the ingredients used in the cough syrup that was available as over-the-counter medicine! Sigmund Freud, a well-known neurologist and psychologist, actually went on to say that cocaine was the best thing ever to treat depression and indigestion, and should be consumed by all. Well, clearly, he was high on something when he said all that!



Singing national anthem before a sports event

Crowd Pledge Of Allegiance, Shirt, Hat

If you actually got up from your seat at a sporting event a hundred year ago, it would be to get the nearest hot dog vendors attention, not to sing the national anthem. Yes, a hundred year ago, standing up and singing the national anthem at a sporting event wasn’t exactly a thing.




Diabetico Pode Comer Tomate, Food, White, Plum tomato, Natural foods, Ingredient, Organism, Bush tomato

During the early 18th century, tomatoes were actually known as ‘poison apples’ because a few aristocrats, who ate them fell ill. However, the actual reason why they fell ill was because of the fact that they were eating from pewter plates, which had a high amount of lead. In fact, this perception of tomatoes continued late until the 19th century, when the notable poet Emerson went on to call it an item of terror and poison, and that no sane person should ever eat or even touch it! The reality, obviously, is the fact that all this cannot be further from the truth. And in fact, tomatoes are one of the best fruits to actually eat if you want to stay young for long!