Top 30 Most Beautiful Women in the World (5 of 6)

Alexandra Daddario On Red Carpet, Forehead, Hair, Skin, Joint, Head, Lip, Chin, Eyebrow, Eyelash, Fashion

10. Alexandra Daddario

Her eyes are amazing and scary at the same time, making you unable to look away. It’s honestly hard to believe she’s not wearing any contact lenses. Plus, with tha pretty baby face her 31 years could be easily denied.




Fahriye Evcen Most Beautiful, Face, Head, Lip, Eyebrow, Eye, Eyelash, Flash photography, People in nature, Plant, Lipstick

9. Fahriye Evcen

Another fascinating woman from a Middle Eastern country. The Turkish actress is mainly known for playing main roles in TV series. Not many know that she was actually born in Germany and moved to her mother country at the age of 19.


Actor Angelina Jolie, Joint, Skin, Lip, Smile, Shoulder, Eyelash, Neck, Fashion, Flash photography, Makeover

8. Angelina Jolie

She is the women we all put in the 10 most beautiful women regardless of her age. She’s been slaying for centuries and seems to be ready to be on these lists for many more. The six children she has, makes us love her even more.




Margot Robbie, Nose, Cheek, Smile, Lip, Eyelash, Flash photography, Ear, Makeover, Earrings, Iris

7. Margot Robbie

Joker’s partner in crime or the hottie from The Wolf of Wall Street? Either way, she is the one you’re looking for. The Australian actress gained fame shortly after moving to the USA, where she stole the hearts of thousands.


Deepika Padukone Swimming, Skin, Lip, Smile, Eyebrow, Shoulder, Eyelash, Lipstick, Purple, Human body, Makeover

6. Deepika Padukone

Our second contestant from India is also a Bollywood actress. Who would have guessed, right? Thank God she started modeling despite her very successful acting career she was building since 2006.