15 Celebrities and their side businesses you never would have expected! (3 of 3)



11. Sandra Bullock

Restaurant, Property, Chair, Plant

The Gravity actress is also a restaurateur. She owned an environment-friendly restaurant in Austin, Texas, which was called Bess Bistro. The restaurant is now closed.



12. Drake

Drake Virginia Black Whiskey, Flash photography, Sleeve

The rapper too invested in a whiskey brand called Virginia Black Whiskey. The whiskey is a super-premium brand, so that you can ‘celebrate with class’.



13. Susan Sarandon

Landmark, Building, Window, Sky, Street light

The table tennis player started her chain of ‘ping-pong clubs’, where people can drink, enjoy all the while playing table tennis!



14. Jane Seymour

Shoulder, Plant, Organ, Flowerpot

The actress has her very own jewelry line, which features the design of an open heart. The design was inspired by her mother and is called Open Heart.



15. Raquel Welch

Raquel Welch, Smile, Eyebrow, Eyelash, Microphone, Fashion, Sleeve

She started her own line of wigs for women, Hair U Wear. Her main aim was to help women change their hairstyle painlessly!