Top 24 Wealthiest Characters from your favorite fictional movies! (2 of 5)



6. Richie Rich (Richie Rich)

Richie Rich, Watch, Tie, Smile, Happy, Gesture

Born with a silver spoon, he is the youngest on this list. He even has a dog named Dollar. This little kid goes on his adventures to make new friends and even run a company!



7. Techie Walden Schmidt (Two and a Half Men)

Two And A Half Men Walden And Alan, Dress shirt, Gesture

Walden Schmidt is a billionaire techie, who, at 19 years, made a million dollars! He sold his self-developed website to Microsoft and became a billionaire. He enjoys his lavish life by dating women and video games!



8. Emma Frost (X-Men)

Emma Frost X Man First Class, Flash photography

She is a billionaire electronic mogul with the powers of turning her body into a diamond-like material and possesses an impenetrable mind. She also runs her company Frost International and funds her own evil projects.



9. T’challa aka Black Panther (Marvel Universe movies)

Black Panther, Sleeve

T’challa is the King of Wakanda, which is the most advanced country in terms of technology. His country is the only source of Vibranium metal. If you wish to purchase a gram of Vibranium, you need to pay $100,000! The Black Panther is the richest on the list, owning trillions of dollars!



10. Chuck Bass (Gossip Girl)

Chuck Bass Hairstyle, Forehead, Face, Hair, Head, Eyebrow, Dress shirt, Bow tie, Jaw, Neck, Sleeve

Chuck Bass is the heir to his family’s real estate empire. He inherits the empire on the death of his father and sells shares in the company. He purchases the Empire Hotel and earns over $500,000 per year!