Top 16 World’s Wealthiest Comedians (4 of 4)



Matt Groening

Matt Groening, Forehead, Hair, Nose, Glasses, Smile, Skin, Chin, Vision care, Eyebrow, Beard

Valued at $500 million, you have Matt Groening. While the man’s name may not be familiar to some, he is the man behind the massively successful show The Simpsons. Since 1989 he has been racking in the benefits of this show and even with the complaints of declining quality from it, this show has been the longest-running scripted series in television history.

That being said, Groening is no longer the writer, though serves as a creative consultant. He has since branched off to creating other comedies. The most noteworthy is the creation of Futurama, which has won 12 Emmy Awards.



Matt Stone & Trey Parker

Trey Parker And Matt Stone, Forehead, Hair, Smile, Shirt, Vertebrate, Beard, Coat, Gesture

Getting a two for one on this one and for good reason. While both Stone and Parker are valued at $500 million each, these two men were the brains behind a long-running cartoon comedy show called South Park. Over the years, it’s won five Emmy Awards along with a Peabody Award. Even the 1999 film they created received an Academy Award nomination too.

Since the creation of the show, both men have had complete creative control of the show, which has been renewed for more episodes this year.

Furthermore Parker and Stone were the creators of the Brodway musical hit The Book of Mormon, which has won nine Tony awards. One of which being Best Musical.



Jerry Seinfeld

Speech, Forehead, Cheek, Chin, Shirt, Eyebrow, Smile, Dress shirt, Flash photography, Coat

The man, the myth, the legend. Valued at $950 million, he is the richest comedian around. What’s the deal with Jerry Seinfeld’s money am I right?

Of course his largest success has stemmed from his performance and creation of the iconic “show about nothing” Seinfeld. However, to this day, he is still making that money due to syndicated reruns of the show. Not to mention the various memes immortalizing the man as well.

And while he has a comfortable cushion to work on, Seinfeld has still been pushing further. That push is from him starring in a show on Netflix called Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee. It originally started as a web series, but Netflix made a deal with the comedian to pay $100 million for the series to be on the streaming service.