20 Celebrities’ Nose Jobs: Before and After Photos (2 of 11)

NeNe Leakes

NeNe Leakes, the outspoken reality television star known for her role on The Real Housewives of Atlanta, has been open about her decision to undergo rhinoplasty. In her memoir, Never Make the Same Mistake Twice, she revealed that she underwent the procedure early in her career to enhance her appearance. Leakes has expressed satisfaction with the results and the boost in confidence it provided her. By sharing her experience, she has inspired others to embrace cosmetic enhancements as a means of self-improvement while also encouraging authenticity and self-confidence in a world where appearance often takes center stage.

Jennifer Aniston

Unlike many celebrities who remain tight-lipped about cosmetic surgery, Jennifer Aniston has been refreshingly candid about her rhinoplasty. In her twenties, she confirmed having a nose job to correct a deviated septum, a breathing issue stemming from a broken nose in her high school days. She has even joked about it in interviews, calling it the “best thing” she ever did and highlighting the improvement in her sleep quality. This transparency about a common procedure helped normalize the conversation around cosmetic surgery and prioritize health benefits over purely aesthetic concerns.