9 TV Couples Who Said ‘I Do’ Way Too Soon! (2 of 5)

Hate Most Things But I Never Seem, Flash photography

April and Andy — Parks And Recreation

April and Andy’s Parks and Rec wedding, while undeniably whimsical, felt rushed and out of step with their characters’ development. Despite their undeniable chemistry, their relationship was often immature and riddled with conflicting goals. They married quickly after a dramatic public proposal, skipping crucial steps like open communication and shared long-term vision. But the most unfortunate consequence is that their relationship was no longer used to develop storylines since the whole point was that it should have been too dysfunctional to even exist.

100 Clarke And Lexa, Hair, Sleeve, Gesture

Clarke And Lexa — The 100

Clarke and Lexa’s short-lived romance in The 100 captivated viewers, but their rushed marriage raised eyebrows. Thrust into leadership roles amidst survival struggles, their connection was intense but lacked a solid foundation. Despite genuine affection, they were burdened by conflicting loyalties and political agendas. Their fast-tracked wedding, driven by wartime desperation and a desire for normalcy, felt more symbolic than a natural progression. While their tragic separation underscored the harsh realities of their world, it left fans questioning if any amount of time could have truly prepared them for such a commitment.