How Ivanka Trump Changed After She Left the White House

Looking back, one of the more peculiar aspects of Donald Trump’s time in office was the significant presence of his daughter, Ivanka Trump. Rather than simply having her visit the workplace occasionally, Donald appointed her as an official employee with the prestigious title of “Advisor to the President.” Ivanka played a prominent role in promoting her father on social media, accompanying him to rallies, and participating in international events, making her a key figure in Trump’s presidency.

Following Trump’s defeat in the 2020 election, his presidency came to a definitive close, leading to significant changes in Ivanka Trump’s life. The aftermath of this political shift has undoubtedly brought about profound alterations in the life of Donald Trump’s favored child. To discover the extent of these transformations, continue reading below.

Moved to a New Home

Previously residing in Washington D.C.’s upscale Kalorama neighborhood during her father’s presidency, Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner, relocated to Miami post-election. Reports from CNN reveal that they secured a condominium in Miami for a staggering $40,000 per month. Subsequently, they opted to construct a new residence in Indian Creek, Florida, a community known for its conservative leanings and overwhelming support for Donald Trump, with 79 percent of residents reportedly voting for him. In the interim, the couple has been residing in Surfside, Florida, a more liberal-leaning town that is supportive of President Biden. Notably, some residents of Surfside have expressed discontent with Ivanka and Jared’s presence, with local town commissioner Eliana Salzhauer candidly sharing her sentiments about their arrival.