Can You Handle It? 10 Most Annoying TV Characters Since the 2000s (2 of 6)

Che Diaz And Just Like, Smile, Fashion, Sleeve, Flash photography

2. Che – And Just Like That

Che Diaz: woke warrior with a megaphone and a microphone, blasting a cacophony of self-righteous sermons and cringey jokes. Imagine mansplaining gender fluidity to Miranda while sipping kombucha, dropping buzzwords like confetti bombs, and mistaking confrontation for progress. Brace for unsolicited lectures on everything from pronouns to privilege, punctuated by awkward stand-up routines that fall flatter than Miranda’s dating life. Just one word, Che: chill. The elevator pitch can wait until after brunch.

Gentleman, Picture frame, Comfort, Sleeve, Gesture

3. Dawson – Dawson’s Creek

Dawson Leery is the ultimate whiny prince of adolescence. Picture a perpetual puppy dog staring longingly at the unattainable girl, drowning in melodramatic monologues, and clutching his angst like a security blanket. He’s the guy who turns every conversation into a Shakespearean soliloquy about unrequited love, all while brooding in his signature fisherman’s beanie. Forget chasing waterfalls, prepare for an emotional tsunami of adolescent angst that’ll make you reach for the remote and scream, “Grow up, Dawson!”