7 High-Profile Celebs Who Renounced Their Support for Trump

There was a time when it seemed former US President Donald Trump had the support of so many people, far and wide. While there were always those who did not support him, there were many people who were on board with him and wanted to see him become a US President, during both of his presidential runs. This also included celebrities, who were very public about endorsing him and expressing their hopes that he would win the presidential election. But some of those celebs began singing a different tune and pulled their support for Trump. These celebs include some of the biggest Trump supporters originally and are some pretty well-known stars. Read on to learn more about these famous celebrities who stopped supporting Trump.

Donald Trump And Kanye West, Face, Smile, Gesture

Kanye West

In 2018, Kanye publicly declared his support for Trump on Twitter, stating that he liked the way the President “handled” certain issues. This sparked outrage among many of his fans and fellow celebrities, who saw Trump as a divisive and harmful figure. Kanye also met with Trump at the White House in 2018, where he discussed a variety of topics, including prison reform and job opportunities for ex-convicts. However, Kanye has also been critical of certain decisions made by the Trump administration, such as the family separation policy at the US-Mexico border. Since then, West has deleted all tweets that ever supported or endorsed Trump.