Top 20 PC Games from the 90s era we all loved! (4 of 4)



15. Command & Conquer

Launched in August 1995 by Virgin Interactive Entertainment, it went on to become the most popular RTS game. It is known for its storyline and user-friendly interface. It is responsible for revolutionizing all the RTS games out there!

Command And Conquer 95



16. Myst

Launched by Broaderband, Myst was the best-selling PC title in the 1990s. It was an adventure game where gamers had to survive on an island and go through various tasks and puzzles. This game is best suited on a VR and deserves a comeback!

Myst 1993, Sky, Building



17. Star Wars: Dark Forces

Launched by LucasArts in the 1990s, it was a commercial success! It gave way its sequels and even inspired a whole toy-line! It was a must-have for all the Star Wars franchise fans! The players had the ability to look up and down, jump and crouch, making it all the more realistic!

Star Wars Dark Forces



18. Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II

Again, published by LucasArts. Due to the success of the Dark Forces, this sequel was expected! This game is dubbed as classic because of its multiplayer mode! Like its prequel, this game is an FPS.

Star Wars Dark Forces



19. Star Wars: TIE Fighter

Launched in July 1994 by LucasArts, its gameplay was as immersive as the storyline and had the best space battles of the 90s era! The players were given the task of crushing a revolt against the Empire! This could have been re-launched for the ultimate VR gaming experience!

Tie Fighter 1994, Light



20. Planescape: Torment

Launched on 12 December 1992 by Interplay Entertainment, the game emphasized on the story more than the combat battles and even had dialogue options. Though the game wasn’t a commercial success, it was acclaimed critically for its unique concept.

Planescape Torment 1999