Swapping the Groove: 14 Music Legends That Exist in a Parallel Universe (2 of 8)

Beauty, Lip, Eyebrow, Eyelash, Cap, Flash photography, Human body, Hat, Happy

Katrina Cobain — The Grunge Goddess

Katrina Cobain, the lady who unleashed grunge upon the world! Her raw talent and rebellious spirit would be the same, making her the poster child for misunderstood youth. Her fiery persona would become an inspiration to millions of girls wanting to push against the grain. Maybe, in a parallel universe, she’s sitting on a cloud, strumming her guitar, and singing, “Smells Like Teen Spirit.”

Beauty, Face, Lip, Chin, Eyebrow, Hat, Lipstick, Eyelash, Fedora, Flash photography, Costume hat

Michelle Jackson — The Queen of Pop

Can you imagine how pretty Michelle Jackson would be as a woman? Those deep eyes would still have the same haunting, soulful look, and her dance moves would put every ballerina to shame. She would have been the undisputed Queen of Pop for sure, and her singing skills would have sent shockwaves through history. However, the controversy wouldn’t have spared Michelle either, her constantly transforming appearance and Neverland Palace’s confusing story would have still been a big part of her legend.