12 TV Breakups that Left Us All Traumatized (2 of 7)

12 TV Breakups that Left Us All Traumatized

2. Eric and Donna, That ’70s Show

We get it; in the vast majority of cases, we don’t actually expect high school couples to stay together forever. But that didn’t make it any less difficult when Eric and Donna ended their relationship. Of course, when Topher Grace returned for the series finale, we did see the characters get back together, so it was ultimately one of those “happily ever after” deals.

Bbt Sheldon, Head, Smile, Facial expression

3. Sheldon and Amy, The Big Bang Theory

For much of the series, Sheldon had a hard time expressing his feelings towards Amy, so when he finally found the courage to propose, we were feeling pretty hopeful. But sadly, she dumped him before he even had a chance to do it. This wasn’t the kind of sitcom that was known to make us shed tears, but in this instance, what other options did we have?