11 Celebrities With Gray Hair Who Are Fully Embracing The Look (2 of 6)

Sarah Jessica Parker Grey Hair, Photograph, Facial expression, Smile, Human, Purple, Fashion

Sarah Jessica Parker

When Sarah Jessica Parker started letting her grays grow in, some critics said that she looked old. The 56-year-old actress was not having it. “There’s so much misogynist chatter in response to us that would never. Happen. About. A. Man,” she said. “‘Grey hair, grey hair, grey hair. Does she have grey hair?’ I’m sitting with Andy Cohen and he has a full head of grey hair, and he’s exquisite. Why is it okay for him?”

Meryl Streep Video, Glasses, Hand, Vision care, Test tube, Eyelash, Laboratory, Eyewear, Gesture

Meryl Streep

The 72-year-old actor has been rocking her gray hair for a while and it looks gorgeous on her. “I remember as I was hovering around 40, I thought each movie would be my last, really. And all the evidence of other 40-year-old women at that time – this is 27 years ago – would lead you to believe it was over,” she said. Thankfully, her career has continued to thrive.