10 Celebrities Who Have Used Their Money For Good Instead of Evil (3 of 6)

Chris Hemsworth, Forehead, Cheek, Beard

Chris Hemsworth

It really sucks when you accidentally drop your wallet behind. You have to replace your driver’s license and cancel all of those credit cards. So imagine when you’re an A-list celebrity like Hemsworth and that wallet probably has a nice wad of cash in it. Fortunately for him, a teenage boy turned it in, complete with all of its contents! Thor was so appreciative that he not only gave all of that money to the kid, he added a bit more.

Taylor Swift Vmas 2022 Makeup, Lip, Lipstick, Eyebrow, Eyelash, Eye liner, Jaw, Neck, Makeover

Taylor Swift

When you start a Go Fund Me page, your hope is that a few generous people will see it and help you reach your target. But if Taylor Swift stumbles across it and is touched by your drive and dedication, she will be more than happy to help you out. This was the case with a Portuguese student who had always wanted to study in the U.K. Swift donated over $30,000 so the young would-be scholar’s dreams could come true.