8 Celebrities With Quirky Body Parts (2 of 5)

David Letterman Stephen Colbert, Glasses, Smile, Microphone, Tie, Blue, Coat, Gesture

Stephen Colbert: Floppy Ear

The host of CBS’s Late Show is extremely proud of his silly-looking right ear, which he acquired after having surgery as a kid. He has described it as a “prop” and can do this sneaky trick in which he rolls it down into itself and with a sideways smirk can pop it back out. As a result of the operation, he is also completely deaf in that ear.

Chandler Friends Middle Finger, Microphone, Product, Tie, Coat, Gesture

Matthew Perry: Missing Finger Tip

After getting into a door-shutting accident as a teenager, Perry lost the tip of one of his middle fingers. He had been an avid water polo player up to that point, but losing parts of your body — even if it’s just a small tip of a finger — has a way of affecting your game. So with dreams of being the Michael Jordan of water polo shattered, he opted for acting and the rest is history!