Top 8 Greatest Pop Stars of All Time (2 of 5)

Beyoncé, Microphone, Concert, Purple, Plant, Music, Performing arts, Entertainment

2. Beyoncé

Beyoncé might have deserved the top spot as well. After all, she was the first solo artist to have her first seven albums debut at #1 on the Billboard 200 charts. She’s also won 28 Grammy Awards, the most of any artist. Given that pop music tends to skew towards younger audiences, the fact that she remains so relevant and influential past 40 is pretty impressive.

performance , Microphone, Muscle, Flash photography, Performing arts

3. Rihanna

Although she is still very much in her prime, Rihanna’s accomplishments are already ridiculous enough. Here’s something to consider: with an estimated net worth of $1.7 billion, Rihanna is nearly as wealthy as Beyoncé and hubby Jay-Z combined! She’s sold more music per unit than the Beatles, Elvis, Madonna, and well, everybody else in the history of music except the rapper Drake. She’s also involved in lots of humanitarian causes and heads the fashion house Fenty, becoming the first Black woman to lead a luxury brand under the Louis Vuitton umbrella…ella…, eh, eh.