10 Celebrities That Are Over 50 But Look Younger Than All of Us (2 of 3)

Keanu Reeves Best, Photograph, Water, White, Beard, Black, Neck, Sleeve, Standing, Gesture

Keanu Reeves – 57

The only thing Keanu does to stay young is spending hours upon hours at the gym. Considering the biggest part of Keanu’s career had him play action heroes, that’s kind of a mandatory thing. And if his looks weren’t proof enough that he has barely aged in 30 years, he’ll just make a new Matrix Resurrections movie and look pretty much the same as he did in 1999’s The Matrix.

Cheveux Jennifer Aniston, Joint, Muscle, Smile, Fashion, Eyewear, Neck, Sleeve, Waist, Gesture

Jennifer Aniston – 52

There’s something with celebrities called Jennifer that are 52 years old, isn’t there. Jennifer Aniston will always be Rachel in our hearts, and she’s also always going to look like Rachel. She does have a strict skincare routine and pays attention to what she eats, as she believes this will reflect on your face and body.

Cate Blanchett Teenager, Lip, Human, Flash photography, Sleeve, Standing

Cate Blanchett – 52

In Cate’s case, it’s easy to tell how she got her ageless looks. She’s actually an ambassador of a skincare brand, and one of the very few women in the world over 50 that gets to be one. She started a skincare routine a few decades ago and says that after a few months the results were already noticeable for the better.