These Aptly-Timed Pictures Are Bound To Assure You Of Life’s Weirdness And Unpredictability (4 of 4)

We are Out of Words for This One

Desk, Table, Furniture

Everybody visits the loo in the morning to do their business but nobody fancies sitting on the toilet seat. At least sane people don’t. Moreover, the last thing we wanna see or experience or do is associate them with eating. Just eww.

How many of us would like to be seated on those while we are having a business meeting or enjoying quality time with our families? Not only is the idea gross but it is also enough to vanish someone’s appetite. Simple chairs would have been both classy and less costly.



Is That a Cat or a Spider?

Cat Me4mes, Cat, Felidae

At first glance, that looks like some weird animal we haven’t seen before. A close look reveals that it’s just a cat sitting next to a glass wall! Poor kitty is just tired and resting.

While seeing this at night can be enough to give us chills, it looks adorable and ridiculous in daylight. Both these cats are so fluffy and furry, that this picture would make any cat lover’s day.

All we can think of is playing with these cute furballs.



A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed

Street Dog, Dog, Dog breed, Carnivore

The fact that dogs are the most faithful and reliable of all creatures is unquestionable. Be it our happy or sad moments, our dogs are always by our side supporting us through thick and thin.

What’s also great is that they are quick to learn and easy to train.

The above picture proves that they are good at making friends with other species too. Look at the cute doggo helping its friend steal a treat. This is giving us major friendship goals. Hens are not that light but the dog doesn’t mind carrying its weight to enable it to satiate its hunger.



It’s Ping-Pong Time

Peugeot 206 Casse, Vehicle, Car, Motor vehicle, Hood, Plant, Automotive design, Window, Vehicle registration plate

And what do you do when you don’t have a ping-pong table? Just turn your car upside-down.

Simple, isn’t it? Does this couple don’t have a regular table or something? Flipping a car is going to take a lot of effort.

If we look closely, the car looks old and overused so maybe they decided to turn it into a ping-pong table. Claps for their creativity and dedication towards recycling. It sure is taking up a lot more space and will get dusty and hard to keep clean, but it seems to be working fine for them.



If I can fit, I’ll sit

Kejeli Za Watani Wa Jadi Simba Na Yanga, Eye, Wheelbarrow, Plant, Felidae, Wheel, Masai lion, Tree

This picture has melted our hearts. Lions are generally perceived as daunting big animals with a thunderous roar, but this photo shows that they can be cute too.

We are familiar with our house cats curling up into the tiny corners of our house, and it appears that their big, wild counterparts have a similar fascination for small spaces. No matter their size, they have to squeeze in and sit in solitude. They find it comforting and who are we to judge?

The biggest question is how do they manage to fit? That’s a fully-grown lion, nearly the size of a human. And, how is that little trolly balancing its weight and not tripping over?



Tire Baby

Impractical Jokers Tire Baby, Tire, Automotive tire, Tread, Synthetic rubber

Before you start thinking of how difficult it would be to ride with this kind of tire and question the logic behind it, we want to tell you that these aren’t available for sale and were designed for a show.

If you are a fan of Impractical Jokers, you probably must be aware of the story behind these tires fitted with baby arms and legs and head. Gruesome, illogical, or whatever they appear to you, their purpose was only to be entertaining.

In one of the episodes, Sal was given the hilarious task of selling these to people branding it as ‘gender-neutral.’ We don’t know how this toy can signify gender neutrality, and neither could any of the buyers.



The Mighty Shark

Shark In A School Of Fish, Water

Sharks can rightly be called the king of oceans. They are fierce and fear none. This shot beautifully captures their power. That’s a swarm of small fish running away from the shark.

Sharks may not be the largest of the water creatures but they are the scariest. And why would the other fragile fish want to be anywhere near the most ruthless predator? From a different perspective, it must be really hard for sharks to find food with their food running so hurriedly away from them.



Hello there!


Many men would envy this child for doing this and not getting slapped or yelled at for having the nerves. When he grows up, this picture is sure to leave him embarrassed but at the moment, he is just having fun with his mommy.

This is something really common for new moms and we don’t see anything wrong with it. It’s as adorable as the kid.



Don’t Forget to Feed Your Cat

кот в кармане сосиска, Joint, Sleeve

How heartwarming is this photo of a cat sitting safely in its owner’s jacket and the owner ensuring it eats its tummy-full! Only a genuine cat-lover can take this much inconvenience for their pet.

Cats are hardcore non-vegetarians and their love for sausages is clearly evident in this pic. It is nibbling onto it as if it’s the tastiest thing in the world.



A Very Reliable Rider

Dogs In Random Situations, Tire, Wheel, Vehicle, Automotive lighting, Automotive tire, Motorcycle, Motor vehicle, Automotive design

What would be your reaction if you find a dog riding a scooter overtaking you? Shocked. Right?

Well, we hope you won’t be after having seen this capture. Dogs are very fast learners and can be trained easily. But, didn’t that hold good for common commands like sit, eat, get in, get out, and the like only? Since when have they become capable of learning to ride bikes and motorcycles?

Even bigger questions are would they get licensed and if one is caught in an accident, who shall be responsible? The doggo or its owner? It appears that the two men are sharing the ride with their pet and are pretty confident of the dog’s skill. One didn’t even bother to put on a helmet!



That’s a Good Boy

Dog, Sky, Dog, Dog breed, Gesture

This may look like a common pic of an owner teasing his dog with a treat except that it isn’t.

That’s a greedy wild boar attempting to grab a treat.

It’s not the boar’s fault after all. How else would he react to a human friend willing to share his snacks with him? It’s very rare to find them in a city street and this man wanted to make sure he makes the most of this precious moment.



Who Designed This?

Human Behavior, Vehicle, Motor vehicle

Are those seat belts meant for saving the passenger’s lives or to kill them by getting fastened around their necks? Volvo was the first car company that came up with the idea of seat belts to provide an extra layer of safety for their consumers. This design will surely make them facepalm.

Even the thought of traveling with those hurts our neck. We are humans and dogs who are used to having a strap around our necks!