35 Hilarious Photos Which Prove That Instant Karma Exists (3 of 4)

Rainbow Effect

Task Failed Successfully, Rainbow, Sky, Cloud, World

Rainbow is one of the most beautiful things on our planet. You can usually spot one after a rain, however, this wasn’t the case in this instance when this Pride Parade took place in Turkey.

Well, the government of Turkey doesn’t support it, so they sent the police to control the crowd, and even used water cannons to disperse the crowd!

Something bizarre happened then – the water sprayed on the protestors created this amazing rainbow! Rainbows are associated with the LGBT community and this rainbow showing up was in a way a nod from the heavens that things would be normal. The police then decided to let everyone go on!



Karma Strikes!

Pulling Chair Prank Gif, Plant, Leaf, Tree

What exactly do you feel happens when you intend to harm someone? Well, you don’t need a high IQ like that of an Albert Einstein or a Newton to figure this out, but few folks are surely slow and end up going through with their silly plans.

This guy tried to pull a prank on his buddy by kicking the chair and trying to make his friend fall, but it all went wrong for him.

Instead of his friend falling down, the guy ended up on that hard concrete floor himself! The friend’s chair stood that kick, but the guy who kicked the chair slipped and fell awkwardly on the floor. This is one of the best examples of instant karma being served we’ve seen in a while.



Ray-Ban Case

Glasses, Handwriting, Post-it note, White, Black, Vision care

Honestly, why would someone visit a restaurant and not pay them? It sure is a mystery. If you forgot your wallet at home, there are methods with which you can resolve the whole situation without just leaving the restaurant with an unpaid bill on the table.

Still, these guys thought it was a clever idea to flee after eating that food instead of paying the restaurant, but karma was quick to find a punishment for them.

The customers left without paying, but forgot an expensive item on their seating place – a pair of cool-looking Ray-Bans! These are usually worth more than a hundred dollars, so the whole dashing out with an unpaid bill left behind wasn’t really worth it! Well, we hope they learned their lessons after this instance.



Instant Payback

Road, Wheel, Tire, Water, Car, Land vehicle, Vehicle, Automotive tire, Window, Hood, Motor vehicle

We all have encountered people who always behave in a rude manner no matter what, simply because they feel like it. You have probably seen them at cafés, in the streets, in cinema halls, and everywhere else! These are the ones who were bullies when they were at school.

The person who captured this photograph had some trouble with a group of guys who were on a boat. The man was enjoying a kayak trip all alone and the bunch of guys made an attempt to knock him over on multiple occasions. Why would anyone try to do something like that?

Luckily, he didn’t get hurt because of their antics, but he caught something on his camera that must have made him smile. The same bunch of guys that were trying to knock him down were now facing a situation where their car was stuck in sand saturated with water. Worse still, more water seemed to be coming in with the fresh tide, which would possibly make their situation even worse. Now, this is what we call instant karma!



The Raging Wife

Cheating Revenge, Building, Window

It is surely a horrible experience when you get to find out that your loved one has cheated on you. It hurts on multiple levels and leaves one heartbroken and distraught, often leaving one wondering what to do to get back at them. Not this woman, though. She knew exactly what she had to do.

This woman, before she faced her cheating husband, decided to let everyone know what he has done so that he thinks multiple times before he does something like that ever again.

We certainly cannot imagine the pain she must have been going through – but what she did was simply brilliant! This billboard was a masterstroke and was probably placed where the friends and family of that man can see it as well. There is certainly no going back for the cheating husband now!



Cat Karma

Instant Karma Karma Gif, Automotive tire, Water, Road surface, Asphalt

The law of karma doesn’t just work on humans, it works its charm on animals too! And it works on them just as bad when they act like little jerks!

Cats can be quite adorable one moment, and turn completely violent the next. When they put on their hunting hats, they do not spare anyone – not even other cats!

We cannot figure out the backstory in this case, but as we can see from this video, this man was trying to save this first cat and then a second cat appears out of thin air and pushes down the first one in the hole back again! Funnily, it ends up falling in that same hole!



Toilet Paper And Karma


Toilet paper seems like a trivial thing but only until you don’t run out of it. If you are living with someone who only thinks about themselves, you can find even toilet paper becoming a challenge. This man was tired of his roommate’s theatrics who thought restocking the toilet paper wasn’t his job. It was time to teach this man a lesson.

One fine day, our guy decided to take away the entire stock of toilet paper moments before his evil roommate went to relieve himself, and left him a nice little note, taken from the horror flick Saw.

We certainly think the roommate must have learned his lesson and will be mindful of the toilet paper situation from now on!



Weird Parking

Family Car, Car, Land vehicle, Vehicle, Tire, Motor vehicle, Wheel, Infrastructure, Truck, Mode of transport, Asphalt

Parking rules aren’t made just to trigger off people and make things clumsy. They are meant to make sure things are done in an orderly way, and this is why we all should follow them in true letter and spirit.

However, this driver thought he was above the laws and parked right ahead of the garbage cans and blocked the way. He must have thought no one would be able to do anything about it, but the waste collectors thought (and knew) otherwise!

They obviously did not like the vehicle being parked that way, as it was blocking their way. So, in order to teach that man a lesson, the guys surrounded the person’s car with pungent garbage bins. We believe that would do it!



Dog Karma

Windshield, Car, Vehicle, Motor vehicle, Hood, Window, Dog

Pets are the loveliest creatures – they love and play with us and all they need in return is some care, walks, and food. Instead, some people think it is a good idea to lock them up in their cars.

The poor animal can even die, or as in this case, need to use the toilet! This poor dog couldn’t hold it anymore and decided to poop inside his owner’s car!

This indeed must have been a nice lesson for its owner that you do not lock up your pet in the car. He should’ve just let the poor thing outside and put the pet on a leash and easily avoided this “shitty” situation.



Fire Hydrant Situation

Karma Examples, Fire hydrant, Vehicle, Land vehicle, Car, Tire, Wheel, Motor vehicle, Mode of transport

If you are someone who likes to park your car near the fire hydrant, you may as well say goodbye to your vehicle’s windows. While it might seem funny to you when you park your car, it isn’t funny at all.

If your vehicle is obstructing the nearest path to a fire hydrant and there is a fire in the neighborhood, the firefighters have the legal right to break the vehicle windows of your car and reach for the water source!

It isn’t like there is any other way when there are human lives at stake – it is an emergency situation! This is precisely what happened with this car, which seems to be standing next to the fire hydrant. This should serve as a lesson for every person.