Hilarious Pictures That Are Proof That Grandparents Are The OG At Posting Anything On The Web (4 of 4)

Not Interested

Facebook Marketplace Conversations, Product, Azure

Most people, including the elderly, always want to learn about something new when they are bored. It seems the gentleman here was feeling too bored and decided to talk to a PlayStation seller to see if they have one in stock.

Was this sweet grandpa trying to buy a PlayStation or did he just want to see if there was one available? We cannot know for sure as he just ended the conversation with a ‘no’!

It is possible that he gave up the idea of buying it at the eleventh hour. It happens to most of us. But regardless of that, this conversation was pure gold!



The Truth

Diagram, Rectangle

You wouldn’t find too many people who are prepared to accept they have no clue about what they are doing. Whether it is a trivial task or the lack of information about a topic, or rather our lives in general, most folks would usually use this phrase when they cannot figure out anything.

We can’t know for sure what this old man was trying to do, but this message surely created a mindful and thoughtful mood.

We hope some noble soul came to his help and helped him figure out what he was doing. Sometimes, we all need some assistance from others to get a job done.



Most Creative Screenshot Ever!


Knowing about all the features of a smartphone can be a tough task even for an experienced user. Well, imagine someone who hasn’t used a smartphone in their life before – it would be even more challenging!

A screenshot might seem like the easiest thing to do for normal smartphone users, you still need to know the exact buttons in order to make it work. Sure, one can Google it and it hardly takes more than a few seconds, but for someone old, even that is out of the question.

This person couldn’t figure out a way to make a screenshot, so he scanned the whole thing on a printer! Well, it does make sense in a way, if you think.



Everything Has An Answer

Old People Facebook, White, Light, Font

Facebook at times can be quite a tricky website if you are using the platform for the very first time. Even regular users find it tough to locate the settings they need.

This grandpa was trying to log out of his Facebook, but couldn’t figure out how! While that isn’t a funny situation to be in, that comment was pure gold!

We cannot know for sure what exactly transpired here – was the person making a shopping list and accidentally posted it here? I mean, we cannot figure out what coconut oil has anything to do with a social media platform like Facebook? This mystery is yet to be solved!



Capital Letters

Orange, Smile, Product, Orange, Yellow, Happy, Organism

For those who think smartphones are tough for older fellas to use, imagine how they use laptops! They are still more at ease with the bigger, bulkier computers that did nothing but take up space. The newer gadgets are just like futuristic gadgets for them.

Using the keyboard is a normal task for you, but it can be a real pain for those who don’t understand what most keys mean. For instance, this sweet grandpa couldn’t figure out a way to turn off the caps lock on his laptop.

We do hope someone did reach out to him to inform him about the Caps Lock key.



Nice Facebook Post

Old People On Facebook, Photograph, World, Vision care

What would someone usually post on Facebook? Perhaps the stuff that may be closest to that person’s heart, or an achievement? This old lady was eager to share the progress was making in getting fit, so she thought of crafting a nice little post.

While it certainly looks strange, the dreamy landscape is used to perhaps suggest that she is quite happy with her achievement of losing eight pounds!

Anyway, seriously kudos to this old woman for getting fitter and enhancing her beautiful looks even more. It indeed is a great achievement to post about.



Not Funny

Old People Facebook Reddit, Product, Azure

Seriously, how bad was that celery exactly to make Jo Ann call it filthy and post it on the seller’s Facebook page? It sure must have been a total nightmare for her to deal with the celery!

She was totally miffed because even the seller’s response did not make her calm down, as she responded with a weird response.

We aren’t sure what this cute ‘whup tee doo’ was meant to convey, but we are quite confident that Jo Ann is still angry and wouldn’t calm down unless she gets a proper answer from the seller!



Don’t Take It Personally

Media, Photograph, Font

When you use the web for a while, you realize you are not supposed to take everything in the literal sense. It sure seems that every title of the article is trying to address you in particular, but it is just a clickbait way to grab your attention.

There are some old folks who are still getting to understand this, so it is quite understandable for such people to react to such posts instead of ignoring them, just like most people do.

We surely have to applaud this elderly user – they didn’t just wish Maria on her birthday, they did it in such a funny way! We all are hoping Maria got a ton of Happy Birthday greetings after people read the article.



Grandma Might Have A Point

Grandparents Text Meme

Older people think of things from a different point of view. They had different kinds of singers and musicians who did not act in the way the current singers do.

This grandma was trying to tell a story of a time when she tried to explain to grandpa about Justin Bieber, but it ended in failure.

If you go through that description of Justin Bieber carefully, that does make sense, doesn’t it? Well, just being cute might work for one, in the end!



Best Comment

Web Page

We all times just post random things on social media sites to let out that frustration building inside us. We definitely do not expect others to actually comment on that post, but people do end up commenting anyway.

This lad was procrastinating when he was supposed to be writing the essays and thought washing dishes might be a better idea. Well, this guy’s grandma decided to respond in a brilliant way that made us laugh out loud, and definitely made Timmy think more about his life choices!

While dish-washing can be a great task, if you have two essays pending, you should get on it straight away. Unless you would want to wash dishes for the rest of your life, of course!